Sony e Box rinnovano l’accordo, 50 GB gratuiti sugli Xperia anche nel 2013

8 Dicembre 201216 commenti

Sony ha annunciato di aver rinnovato la collaborazione con il celebre servizio di cloud storage Box, nata lo scorso anno, grazie alla quale gli utenti Xperia potranno beneficiare dei 50 GB di spazio di archiviazione gratuito (a vita) anche per tutto l'anno prossimo, fino al 31 Dicembre.

La promozione è valida per tutti gli smartphone e i tablet della società nipponica, ad eccezione dei modelli precedenti ad Android 2.1. A seguire il comunicato stampa originale con tutti i dettagli.

Xperia™ and Box® renew partnership through 2013


Today, we’re excited to announce we’ve extended our partnership with Box until the end of 2013!


Announced before the 2011 festive season and initially running for a year – Xperia smartphone* and Sony tablet users can now grab free 50GB cloud storage for life, by signing-up or accessing existing Box accounts from their devices before 31st December 2013.


Box is an online file sharing and cloud content management service – it makes life that bit easier by allowing you to share and access content from anywhere, anytime.


Whether it be images, videos, apps, documents (you name it), you can store, share and access files from any of your connected devices – computer, smartphone, tablet and internet enabled TV.


Keep an eye on the newsroom over the next few weeks – we’ll be sitting down with Box to talk a little more about the service and what we can expect from them through 2013.


If you have any questions about the offer, feel free to drop them below.


*Available for Xperia smartphones including and released after Xperia X10, but not for Xperia X10 mini, X10 mini pro and devices with Android versions prior to 2.1.

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