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CM13 on Xperia Arc LT15i and unlock bootloader

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    CM13 on Xperia Arc LT15i and unlock bootloader

    Ho fatto una piccola guida in inglese (prendendo un po' qua ed un po' la')!!!

    Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc LT15i (anzu)

    * Have the stock ICS 4.1.B.0.587 full ftf flashed (doesn't matter if you have flashed it in the past or if you flash it before installing cm12.1, it will work both ways)
    * LT15i (Arc) users need to flash LT18i (Arc S) ftf
    * Minimum 2GB secondary ext4 partition for /data on class 10 SD card.

    To enter in recovery press and hold menu button after connect usb cable to Ur PC (if all is OK the led will become BLUE).

    How to Unlock Bootloader

    1. First, you should confirm that it is possible to unlock the boot loader of your phone by checking the service menu. In your phone, open the dialer and enter *#*#7378423#*#* to access the service menu.

    2. In your phone, tap Service info > Configuration > Rooting Status. If 'Bootloader unlock allowed' says "Yes", then you can continue with the next step. If it says No, or if the status is missing, your device cannot be unlocked.

    3. On your computer, go to this official of SONY to obtain your KEY:
    Go to SONY site to get your KEY (Only after reading this section)

    4. Read through the information in the pop up window and click Yes, I’m sure if you are still confident you want to unlock the boot loader.

    5. Read through and accept the legal terms. Click I Accept.

    6. Enter your name, a valid email address and the first 14 digits of your phone’s IMEI or MEID number (remove the last digit if necessary). Click Submit. You can view the IMEI or MEID number by entering *#06# on your phone.

    7. The unlock boot loader key will be shown and sent to your email. Save it for later use.

    Now go and get your KEY from Sony..... Come back when you have it....

    8. Turn off your phone.

    9. Hold the menu button at the same time as you connect the phone to the computer with a USB-cable. You will observe the blue LED glow.

    10. Go in C:../Desktop/adb

    11. Right click anywhere inside the folder by holding down the "left shift" key on the key board.
    You will find a option "Open command window here" (see below). Select that option.

    12. Now in the command window enter fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce getvar version, and verify that you get a response (for example version "0.3"). This means your phone is connected properly.

    13. Now in the command window enter fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce oem unlock 0xKEY, where KEY is the unlock boot loader key you got from the Sony. The boot loader should now be successfully unlocked.

    That's good.. Now we have successfully completed Unlocking the bootloader.

    How to install CM13 on UR Xperia Arc

    Download cm13 from:

    Download Gapps from:
    The Open GApps Project
    select ARM – 6.0 – pico

    Download Adb/Fastboot from:
    Dropbox - adb-fastboot-package-[leakite.blogspot.com].zip

    If the Arc device is not recognized by Win7 pls, also download the drivers:
    Start – Devices and Printers – Click on right switch on the mouse – Properties – Update drivers

    Download MiniTool Partition Wizard:

    Step One: Partitioning and Formatting sdcard to ext4 or F2FS

    1. Connect sdcard to PC via card reader or insert in your device and mount as mass storage
    2. Install and launch MiniTool Partition Wizard on pc
    3. From the listed drives, select your sdcard and click on Delete
    4. Now click on Create
    5. From the displayed New Partition Options, configure as below:
    ###1st partition
    - Create As: Primary
    - File System: FAT32
    - Dim: 512MB
    Click Ok.
    Apply, and select Yes from the popup
    ###2nd partition
    - Create As: Primary
    - File System: Ext4
    - Dim: 1430MB
    lick Ok.
    Apply, and select Yes from the popup
    6. Wait for the process to complete.

    Step Two: Preparing To Flash CM13

    1. Extract the download fastboot/adb package to desktop. Should look like this C:\…\Desktop\adb
    2. Now, extract boot.img from CM13 rom package to the the adb folder on your desktop.
    3. Rename the downloaded CM13 package to update.zip
    4. Rename also the download Gapps package to gapps.zip
    5. Copy both files (update.zip and gapps.zip) to C:\…\Desktop\adb repository

    Step Three (Final step): Flashing CM13

    1. Insert the formatted sdcard to your device and power off
    2. Connect to PC in fastboot mode (hold menu button and connect USB cable)
    3. Launch cmd from your fastboot/adb folder (Hold Shift button while right-clicking on the adb/fastboot folder, then select Open Command Window here)
    4. Type in these commands:

    fastboot flash boot boot.img
    fastboot reboot

    ###Note: U must perform this step to have the chance to run next adb commands!
    5. While the device is booting up, disconnect from pc and press the Volume down button repeatedly to boot into recovery mode.
    6. Once in recovery, perform the following actions (the order is very important!!!!):
    - Advanced > wipe system partition (this formats /system)
    - Factory reset > full factory reset (this formats /data)
    - Factory reset > wipe cache partition (this formats /cache)

    7. Now select Apply Update > Apply from ADB (for each next "adb sideload XXX" command U should repeat step 7)
    8. Connect the device back to PC via USB cable and type the following commands:

    adb sideload update.zip
    adb sideload gapps.zip

    Note: Wait for the loading process to complete. If it stops at 47% don’t panic, just go ahead with the remaining step.
    9. Once this completes loading, disconnect from PC and reboot device to system.

    Ultima modifica di foggiaale; 20-10-16 alle 11:23
    Perche' semplice se complicato e' meglio!!!


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