LG: Ufficiale l’arrivo di un programma per sbloccare il bootloader

LG ha annunciato, attraverso un e-mail, l’arrivo di un programma per lo sblocco del bootloader negli ultimi dispositivi.

Questa news giunge da un utente XDA (wolfgart) che ha postato la seguente e-mail inviata dalla casa sud-coreana:

Thank you for your feedback regarding bootloader unlock and
we are sorry for any inconvenience and disappointment that have been caused by lack of support for bootloader unlock on the latest LG smartphones.

We are already aware of many developers’ requests and opinions on bootloader unlock.
So we have been preparing a server to provide safer bootloader unlock.
Also, we are internally discussing the target model and the time of providing bootloader unlock.
However, it will take some more time due to the technical restrictions, security issues, and the policy of mobile carriers.

We deeply apologize that we are unable to support bootloader unlock right now and would like to ask for your kind understanding.
We will let you know more specific information when the support policy for bootloader unlock is decided.

In parole povere, LG si sta impegnando nello sviluppo un programma che consentirà di sbloccare il bootloader dei propri dispositivi. Si resta in attesa di comunicati ufficiali di LG.