OnePlus One più caro di 50 Euro in Europa dal 25 Marzo

Se state pensando di acquistare un OnePlus One non c’è tempo da perdere: dal 25 Marzo, infatti, una brutta sorpresa interesserà gli utenti residenti nella zona Euro.

Da Mercoledì prossimo, infatti, i prezzi di OnePlus One lieviteranno di ben 50 Euro: saranno dunque necessari 299 Euro per acquistare la versione da 16 GB e 349 Euro per la versione 64 GB.

Una situazione davvero paradossale, considerando che il device è sul mercato da quasi un anno, e legata, a quanto sostenuto dall’azienda, alla rivalutazione del Dollaro sull’Euro avvenuta nell’ultimo periodo. Per questo motivo, il rincaro riguarderà solo gli utenti residenti in Paesi della zona Euro.

Per acquistare un OnePlus One con gli attuali prezzi resta dunque un solo Martedì di vendita libera, il prossimo 24 Marzo. Il ritocco di prezzo non riguarderà comunque gli accessori.

As you may know, the euro is quite unstable at the moment. Last year, many other companies insured themselves against this volatility by launching devices with higher prices in Europe than in other markets. This is something that we opted not to do, as we are committed to maintaining razor-thin margins in order to give the most value back to our fans.
Unfortunately, as the value of the euro continued to drop, our razor-thin margins began to turn into 0 margins. Due to the current value of the euro, we are now selling devices at a loss in the EU. In light of these exchange rate shifts and trends, we will be making some changes to our pricing structure for the One in markets that use the euro as currency. New prices will be as follows:
16GB Silk White – €299
64GB Sandstone Black – €349
We sincerely wish that we had an alternative option here. We explored all possible avenues in an attempt to avoid any changes, but as a startup with exceedingly-slim margins, our current euro prices simply aren’t sustainable.
This new pricing structure will go into effect on March 25, which means that you can still buy the One in next Tuesday’s open sales at the current price of €269/€299. For the next 7 days, we will take the hit and absorb all of the loss from selling below cost. We think it’s only fair to give you a week’s notice and hope you can understand why we have to do this.