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[NEWS] AGGIORNAMENTO ICS TF101G 05/04/2012 info&pareri&problemi

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  1. #261
    Senior Droid

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    E quale è il problema ?

    Comq ci sono applicazioni che non vanno con ICS e devi rimpiazzarle, magari distubano ICS e causano i riavvii che accusano ICS .


  3. #262
    Baby Droid

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    Ciao a Tutti
    ho aggiornato anch'io senza resettare e:
    1) mi si riavvia per i fatti suoi quando vuole.
    2) se apro una app che ha solo visualizzazione in verticale, quando chiudo non torna più in orizzontale e mi tocca spegnere e riaccendere.
    3) la batteria consuma decisamente di più
    4) il carica batteria surriscalda paurosamente
    5) le icone di notifica (parte bassa a destra del tablet) sono di color azzurro, quelle di sinistra ( home, torna, pannelli) sono rimaste bianche. normale?

    aspetto vostri suggerimenti.


  4. #263
    Baby Droid

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    11 giorni ed ancora nessuna novità.
    Io nel frattempo ho chiamato l'assistenza, quella online. Se ne avete davvero bisogno vi sconsiglio di utilizzarla, perché è pessima, si limitano a copiaincollare senza neppure leggere cosa scrivete.

    Ho fatto anche il recovery ma non funziona, appare il robottino sdraiato col triangolo rosso. Fortunatamente tenendo premuto il tasto di accensione si spegne e poi riparte regolarmente.

    Ah, tanto per gradire, prima di wipare ho fatto un paio di backup, uno con asus backup, uno con app backup & restore (preso dal market): il primo non funziona il ripristino, dà errore (programma nativo asus), peccato perché salvava anche i dati; il secondo funziona ma non ripristina i dati dei programmi e fa reinstallare le app una per una (bello sforzo a sto punto mi metto io sul market a riscaricarle).

  5. #264

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    Vedo che continuano a fare dei beilavori... complimenti..
    Io sto aspettando ancora la patch ad ICS per trasformer Solo WIFI.. maledizione

  6. #265
    Senior Droid

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    Ma non è chiaro, il wipe lo hai fatto o no , prima scrivi che rimane il robottino col triangolo, poi scrivi che il backup ti h afatto reinstallare uno per uno... ma hai resettato o no ?!?!?!?

  7. #266
    Baby Droid

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    Quote Originariamente inviato da giulore65 Visualizza il messaggio
    Ma non è chiaro, il wipe lo hai fatto o no , prima scrivi che rimane il robottino col triangolo, poi scrivi che il backup ti h afatto reinstallare uno per uno... ma hai resettato o no ?!?!?!?
    Effettivamente non sono stato chiarissimo, ho fatto wipe e tentato di ripristinare, senza successo, i miei vecchi dati. Attualmente è come nuovo in attesa di update da asus.

  8. #267
    Baby Droid

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    Cito da [HOW TO] ICS update problems? - fix them with these steps

    If you haven't done the update yet then follow these steps FIRST (as originally suggested by Leeshor).
    1. Update all apps
    2. Backup your tf using Google, the appbackup utility & an external backup storage (pc, microSD, cloud, external HD, usb flash drive)
    3. Do a hard reset - sometimes called a cold boot - this WILL NOT wipe any data from your tf (process linked in FAQ & tips, below)
    4. Perform the update
    5. Do another hard reset, then start to use ICS

    Go to Settings - Applications - All - DMClient - Force Close then Clear Data.
    Then go to Settings - Applications - All - CMClient - Force Close then Clear Data.

    Hard reset.

    Settings - About - Check for Update.

    There are guides linked below, and some other sticky threads in this section that will help you to get orientated. Most, if not ALL "how do I do xxxxx" questions have already been answered, so please read before asking again.

    When you first start to use ICS follow these steps
    1. Visit the market to check for updates - there are ICS related updates for Adobe Flash Player and G+ for example
    2. Realise that not ALL apps will be compatible with this new version of the OS. The overwhelming majority of problems will be caused by this type of app incompatibility. EG Dolphin for Pad browser has never developed beyond the beta version issued for Honeycomb. It has issues under ICS.
    3. If you get an app incompatibility, then whatever that app is, follow these steps...
    a. Force close the app
    b. Do a hard reset
    c. Uninstall the app
    d. Reinstall the app
    e. Do a hard reset
    f. Try the app again.
    If the app still causes problems, you will just have to wait until it is updated for ICS.

    If your app is a "system" app and cannot be uninstalled, try these steps suggested by Detection which relate to the email app here, but the logic would apply to any other system app.
    "If it still has problems, you could try Settings > Apps > All > Find either ASUS Email or Email (Depending which one is causing problems) > Clear Data > Clear Cache > Force Stop > (This will probably delete any emails and / or accounts attached and you may need to set them back up again) Reboot the TF and Open and set back up your email clients if needs be."

    If nothing else works, and your tf was working normally before the update, then you will need to perform a FACTORY DATA RESET and start again. In ICS this is found under, SETTINGS - PERSONAL - BACKUP & RESET.

    Remember to back up your personal data prior to doing this as this process will wipe your tf of all data and restore it back to as if it had shipped pre installed with ICS.

    [HOW TO] Perform a Factory Reset

    Having done the reset, try your tf for a while with only the stock apps to ensure it is working well. Then install apps one at a time and check their compatibility with the new OS. If you find an incompatibility that you cannot work around, uninstall the app and perform a hard reset before installing any others. Follow this process methodically and you should be able to resolve any issues that are not hardware related requiring a return to Asus.

    SOME users are reporting "reboot loops", "random reboots", "faster than normal" battery drain since the update. MOST users are not experiencing this. The fix for these issues will vary between owners, but in almost EVERY case, the issue has been fixed by checking wifi sleep settings, or sync settings for a particular app, or a wallpaper app that is incompatible, or a widget that is incompatible, or a social network app that is incompatible, or a launcher that is incompatible - you get the idea

    One reported fix is to change the setting in the TegraZone app. By default under ICS it checks for new items every 12 hours. Changing this to "off" has fixed some reboots for some users.

    In each case, rectifying the settings or uninstalling the app (ie as suggested above) has rectified this. In SOME cases a factory reset has been necessary - IF your apps are still present after you think you have done a factory reset - you haven't done it correctly, so do it again. A factory reset will WIPE all data & not leave you with anything other than a stock tf with Asus apps. It has been suggested by some that performing three Factory Resets has cured their problem. It may not make much sense, but if you are doing one, you may as well take the extra 6 or 7 minutes and do three.

    Another issue reported by some, is an issue with some "system level" apps such as Maps & Mail. It would appear that removing your Google account & then adding it back resolves this one.
    Quote Originally Posted by Haelous View Post
    For those noting issues with system apps (Gmail, gallery w/picasa web, etc), try removing your Google Account and re-adding it again before doing a reset.

    As anyone else with a Galaxy Nexus knows, there are still some issues with third party apps and there's simply no escaping that. These are rather easy to troubleshoot even without a system reset, as you can just see what's running in the background as a service, and uninstall one at a time.

    This tablet has forced me to remove and re-add my Google Account three times since I've had it due to issues with system apps.
    Another interesting possibility has emerged. There is a suggestion - nothing more - that some of the nVidia tegra2 chipsets on the tf101 require an updated driver which Asus are waiting on nVidia to supply. This is what might be behind the few cases where nothing seems to work, not even repeated Factory Resets. If true, however, this only affects a very few users Don't panic, you are not likely to be one of them

    Always ensure that the home screen is displayed prior to allowing your screen to turn off. It has been demonstrated that leaving a live app displayed onscreen when the screen turns off - automatically, or manually - causes some systems to reboot.

  9. #268
    Baby Droid

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    Scrivo qui questa richiesta senza creare un altro topic....siccome il mio problema col 3g menzionato qualche post fa non si è risolto sono dovuto ricorrere all'assistenza (abbastanza maleducati) ora ho ricevuto tutte le mail per poter affidare il pacco al corriere ups...ma con tutti i foglio che mi hanno fatto stampare che ci devo fare???? li devo dare a mano al corriere?? li devo mettere dentro la scatola?? non so cosa devo fare e non vorrei sbagliare visto che mi riserve indietro urgentemente grazie spero di avere risposta da qualcuno che purtroppo ha dovuto usare l'assistenza asus

  10. #269
    Androidiano L'avatar di ita3bc

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    Io l'ho usata e oggi il mio è arrivato in Rep. Ceca ed ho avuto lo stesso dubbio tuo ma che l'assistenza (4ta telefonata) non mi ha dipanato. Per loro la procedura è talmente semplice che basta leggerla. Ma è talmente semplice che l'operatore dell'assistenza non la sapeva. Comunque sia io ho stampato tutto e messo in una busta trasparente e attaccata alla scatola. Al corriere non serve nulla, hanno già tutto e ti rilasciano la ricevuta del ritiro.


  11. #270
    Baby Droid

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    qualcuno di voi sa quando metteranno a posto il problema del riavvio spontaneo e del consumo spropositato della batteria, cmq asus questa volta mi ha deluso

    Grazie per la risposta

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