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[FREE APP] Photo Crop HD for Smartphone & Tablet Android

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  1. #1
    Baby Droid

    Registrato dal
    Aug 2013

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    [FREE APP] Photo Crop HD for Smartphone & Tablet Android

    With over 7 million downloads and counting, Photo Crop is a collage & photo crop application, popular among models.
    No registration is necessary..
    Photo Crop is a free photo edit application that allows you to crop photos, edit layouts, decorate, insert text, and so on.
    How would you like to make your original scrapbook filled with pictures of friends and loved ones, or your favorite dresses and celebrities? You can even make surprise birthday scrap/message cards!
    [Layout function]
    Make a collage out of pictures taken on the spot or photos taken from camera or gallery.
    Swipe with your finger to crop photos
    Crop photos in a heart, star, or stamp shape.


    Search by com.PhotoCrop on Google Play.


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