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Android e file cancellati URGENTISSIMO!!!

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  1. #1
    Baby Droid

    Registrato dal
    Feb 2011

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    Android e file cancellati URGENTISSIMO!!!

    Qualcuno mi sa dire se esiste un modo per recuperare un file cancellato per errore ( nel mio caso è un video ) dalla memoria interna del telefono (Samsung Tab)?

    Grazie mille.

  3. #2

    Registrato dal
    Feb 2011

    Ringraziato 6 volte in 6 Posts

    Prova con questa soluzione, trovata con Google.
    How to recover lost videos and other files from android
    I had a similar problem just this past weekend and here is how I recovered 3 lost videos from my Galaxy S android phone.

    1) Use the USB cable supplied with your phone and patch it in to your pc. It should be recognized as a drive (H: for mine).

    2) Download and install EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Free Edition 5.0.1 from Free Data Recovery Software to free recover deleted files and recover formatted or corrupt hard drives - EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Free Edition. TO YOUR PC.

    3) Start the application and point it toward drive H: (will be different for you I'm sure)

    4) Check off the types of files you want to recover. I deselected music files as that would put me over the 1 gig limit that the free version of this software will recover. I did not specifically choose sub-directories as the software handles this just fine.

    5) Let it run. It took the software about 1 hour to recover 105 deleted files
    (you must choose where to save the files, somewhere on your PC, I created a special folder called c:\recovery just for this).

    6) After it is done, Browse the files in your recovery folder, keep what you need and delete the rest.

    Important: Do not save ANYTHING to your phones drive when you realize you have deleted something important. Turn off wi-fi, email alerts, facebook, etc. I would suggest turning your phone off immediately to prevent this until you are ready to recover files.

    Good Luck, it worked fine for me.
    Altra possibilità:
    How to recover deleted files on a android phone?
    Ultima modifica di masci; 15-11-11 alle 17:28

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