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Mediacom phonepad g530 Sdcard problem ?

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  1. #1
    Baby Droid

    Registrato dal
    Nov 2014

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    Mediacom phonepad g530 Sdcard problem ?

    (I'm i only speak english /bosnian sry for no italian xD)
    Okey, i have a problem on my mediacom phonepad g530 with sd card.
    My sd card is good 16gb memory i mount in tablet and work, i mount in my mobile mediacom and work and when my mobile go on sleep mode or loock and i go unlock screen i have notffication for this. SD CARD IS UNMOUNTED i restart phone and sd card is work, when again lock and go sleep mod again error unmounted

    I'm reset factory mod, and not fix.
    My mobile is root how to fix this or install new cwm ?
    android: 4.2.1
    Can i have install 4.3 or 4.4 on my mobile and how ? please help guys


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