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[AUDIO][MOD][APP] Official ViPER4Android

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  1. #1
    Senior Droid L'avatar di Uzumaki99

    Registrato dal
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    Galaxy Nexus

    Ringraziato 568 volte in 246 Posts

    [AUDIO][MOD][APP] Official ViPER4Android

    NOTE: To ROM Makers who already included or wish to include V4A in your ROM. Click HERE.

    Official Website
    ViPER's Audio Official Website: ViPER's Audio | Official English Website

    Like our Facebook Page here! >>> https://www.facebook.com/vipersaudio
    Join ViPER's Audio Facebook Group here! >>> https://facebook.com/groups/vipersaudio.en/
    ViPER's Audio Global QQ Group: [APP] Official ViPER4Android Audio Effects (FX v2.3.3.0) - New Features! - Post #4586 - XDA Forum

    UNOFFICIAL V4A available in Google Play Store. (Not maintained by us)
    [APP] Official ViPER4Android Audio Effects (FX v2.3.3.0) - New Features! - Post #5689 - XDA Forum

    OP Index:
    1. About Us // Description // Key Features // Development Progress // Donations // Open source
    2. Instructions // CPU Driver List // Change Logs // Downloads
    3. Bug list // Proper Bug report // Troubleshooting // FAQs
    4. V4A Profiles // Popular effect simulation profiles // FX and XHiFi Settings Explained // Default V4A settings
    5. For ROM makers
    6. Signatures // Userbar // Banners

    About ViPER's Audio
    See here: About Us | ViPER's Audio

    Software Descriptions
    Version: FX version / XHiFi version
    Codename: (FX version) Beautiful / (XHiFi version) X-Factor
    Compiled date: April 12,2014 / September 4,2013 - Official Release
    Operating environment: Android 2.3 / 4.0 / 4.1 / 4.2 / 4.3 / 4.4
    CPU platforms: ARM (ARM11 or higher)
    Language: English (US) / Simplified Chinese / Traditional Chinese / Spanish / Polish / Russian

    ViPER4Android FX
    FX is the main control panel of ViPER’s Audio with all popular ViPER’s Audio settings.

    ViPER4Android XHiFi
    XHiFi has less settings compare to FX. It has superior audio reconstruction which mainly used for restoring lossy audio quality.

    FX Key Features
    ★ ViPER-DDC ★
    Description N/A.

    ★ Spectrum Extension ★
    Description N/A.

    ★ x86 Platform Support ★
    Viper4Android supports x86 (Atom/Core i3/i5/i7) platforms.

    ★ True Octa-Core Support ★
    ViPER4Android supports true octa-core as well as single, dual and quad core devices.

    ★ USB/Dock effect Support ★
    ViPER4Android supports USB/Dock audio output.

    ★ Android 4.4 Support ★
    ViPER4Android supports Android 2.3 Ginger bread, 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, 4.1 ~ 4.3 Jelly bean and 4.4 KitKat firmwares.

    ★ Speaker Optimization ★
    First effect for speakers. Try it yourself.

    ★ Channel Pan ★
    Controls left/right channel output. Its not very useful unless your headphone is imbalance or faulty one side. It will be a cure for you.

    ★ Differential Surround / Haas Effect ★
    This is an old feature which ViPER520 had removed from FX in early days.
    But after many users requesting it, ViPER520 bring it back to FX
    More info on Haas Effect: Creating depth: The Haas effect | MixCoach

    ★ ViPER Fidelity Control ★
    ★ ViPER Bass ★
    With different bass modes, you can have greater bass experience than before!
    ★ ViPER Clarity ★
    With the latest Clarity mode selection, you can balance up heavy bass with high clarity audio that you can never imagine before!

    ★ Headphone Surround+ (VHS+) ★
    With this VHS+, V4A made its way to achieve great surround technologies for Android.

    ★ Auditory System Protection (Cure Tech+) ★
    With normal audio system, listening for more than three hours will feel fatigue, dizzy, tinnitus, irritated and other symptoms.
    This is a normal reaction, heavy bass and high volume could cause permanent damage to the human auditory system, but other phenomena can restore through resting.
    Viper as a listening experience professional will not ignore this problem. Therefore put a lot of effort to study how to make a "Healing" sound technology, just a small success. But thinking on how to let users experience it.

    ★ Convolver ★
    When an Impulse Response Sample(IRS) is loaded, V4A will process the sound to show the same characteristics of the loaded sample. Through Convolution, samples with effects such as equalizer, surround, reverberation, tube etc can be loaded.
    Download and extract IRS files to <storage>/ViPER4Android/Kernel/<paste files here>

    ★ FX Compatible Mode (Only in 4.x) ★
    Compatible Mode supports large variety of music players and the players' own EQ/sound effects (system-provided/third party)
    Therefore, you don't have to select V4A in Sound Settings > Music Effects, choose anything other than V4A. Just run V4A app and the effects will be working with anything else.

    1. In option, switch to Compatible Mode. Reboot, done.
    2. In Sound Settings > Music Effects, choose other than V4A.
    3. Run V4A app and configure the settings then the effects will work together with the one you chose in Sound Settings.

    Development Progress
    DEV Progress | ViPER's Audio

    Last Update Log
    Note: FX v2.3.2.5 onwards:
    1. Fully support x86 platform, but not fully optimised yet. (Using VHS+/Convolver may increase battery usage)
    2. Fully support true octa-core devices.
    3. Correctly-installed Busybox is required before installing V4A.

    If you see V4A installation pop-up loop, its probably due to incomplete root.

    FX version: v2.3.3.0
    1.Add spectrum extend feature.
    2.Add ViPER-DDC feature.
    3.Fix bugs.
    4.Improve compatibility.
    XHiFi version: Final v2.1.0.2-1
    1.Support for Android 4.3 (v2102-1)
    2.No changes for Android 2.3 (2102)

    Full download list at Official Website: Downloads (4/18) | ViPER's Audio
    Note: Please connect to the internet when installing V4A. So we can count our users.
    ViPER4Android FX
    FX version v2.3.3.0 (Android 2.3~4.4): Mediafire

    ViPER4Android XHiFi
    XHiFi version Final v2.1.0.2-1 (Android 2.3~4.3): Mediafire

    IRS Impulse Response Sample
    Official Website: Impulse Response Sample | ViPER's Audio

    IRS Index: here
    Zhuhang's IRS XDA: here
    Joe0Bloggs Headset Correction Filter IRS: here

    Visit here: Donate | ViPER's Audio

    Open Source at GitHub
    If you want to commit codes, email china_viper@163.com your git username.
    FX: https://github.com/vipersaudio/viper4android_fx
    XHiFi: https://github.com/vipersaudio/viper4android_xhifi

    ViPER's Audio founded by ViPER520.
    Co-founded by ZhuHang.
    CN. vipersaudio.com / EN. facebook.com/vipersaudio
    Copyright (C) 2006-2016 vipercn.com / vipersaudio.com
    Ultima modifica di Uzumaki99; 01-09-14 alle 12:23

  2. I seguenti 13 Utenti hanno ringraziato Uzumaki99 per il post:

    Carlinho (17-05-13),fedelamb (17-05-13),Fenrir3 (30-06-13),giupa87 (17-05-13),imthedoctor (16-06-13),lio97 (14-08-13),morfances (19-03-14),oleksandr (18-05-13),SamueleCiprietti (18-05-13),saumar (01-09-14),shocker94 (12-10-13),Tex99 (17-05-13)

  4. #2
    Senior Droid L'avatar di Uzumaki99

    Registrato dal
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    Galaxy Nexus

    Ringraziato 568 volte in 246 Posts

    Check this post for complete tips, instructions, notes and warnings.

    v2.2.x to v2.3.x Special Update Instructions
    Important: New v2.3.x V4A has new package name, therefore follow this installation steps carefully.
    1. Open old v2.2.x V4A, save the effect profile.
    2. Uninstall old v2.2.x V4A. Complete uninstall, including both driver and app. Reboot.
    3. Install new v2.3.x V4A, choose Yes to "Install/Update". (V4A auto detects and installs correct driver.)
    4. Reboot, open new v2.3.x V4A and load effect profile saved in step 1.

    Setup your Device
    For Samsung devices,
    1. Try install V4A as user app instead of system app if the latter failed doesn't work.
    2. Use Normal Mode and select V4A FX in Settings>Sound>Music Effects.
    3. If don't work, use another player rather than Samsung stock Music.
    1. ROOT your device.
    2. Install busybox if doesn’t come with root.
    3. Modify build.prop (Thanks Bradl79@xda)
    a. Open up /system/build.prop in text editor using any file explorer with root access.
    b. Change the line (If you can’t find these lines, skip this step.)

    Ipa.decode=true to lpa.decode=false
    tunnel.decode=true to tunnel.decode=false
    lpa.use-stagefright=true to lpa.use-stagefright=false

    1. Download, extract and copy ViPER4Android_FX/XHiFi.apk to your device.
    2. Install the apk as USER app or SYSTEM app is up to you. (v2.3.1.0 onwards)
    3. Run FX/XHiFi app from app drawer, allow root access if asked.
    4. When driver installation prompted, choose Yes.
    5. V4A auto detects your CPU and show available driver modes below :
    No modes: For processors with or without VFP .
    Battery Saving: Available for all processors with NEON.
    High Quality Mode: Available for processors with NEON.
    Super Audio Quality: Available for processors with NEON.
    6. Choose your desired selection.
    7. After installation done, Reboot device.
    8. If you want to use only V4A as audio effect, follow normal mode. If you want existing audio effects to work, follow compatible mode.
    Normal Mode:
    9. In Sound settings > Music effects, always choose V4A FX unless FX is not installed.
    10. Open up V4A FX (and xhifi), in menu, FX Compatible Mode set to Normal Mode.
    11. If not working, try Compatible mode before trying Force-Enable.
    Compatible Mode:
    9. Do not change anything under Sound settings/
    10. Open up V4A FX (and xhifi), in menu, FX Compatible Mode set to Compatible Mode.
    11. If not working, use Normal mode and disable other effects.
    12. How to use IRS in Convolver? See IRS page: here.

    Future Updates
    Option 1: Use the “Check for update” function in V4A app itself.
    1. In V4A app, go to menu and select Check Update. It will redirect you to a page.
    2. Download latest apk from the page.
    3. Install apk and overwrite. (Replace in system/app/ if its SYSTEM app)
    4. Open up FX (and XHIFI), Choose “Yes”. Reboot, done.

    Option 2: Download from Website/XDA
    1. Download latest FX and XHIFI apks from Website’s Downloads section or XDA.
    2. Install apk and overwrite. (Replace in system/app/ if its SYSTEM app)
    3. Open up FX (and XHIFI), Choose “Yes”. Reboot, done.

    1. Open up V4A FX (and xhifi), go to menu and choose “Uninstall driver”.
    2. After that, uninstall V4A FX (and xhifi) app itself.
    3. Reboot. Done. Bye-bye V4A.

    ViPER's Audio founded by ViPER520.
    Co-founded by ZhuHang.
    CN. vipersaudio.com / EN. facebook.com/vipersaudio
    Copyright (C) 2006-2016 vipercn.com / vipersaudio.com
    Ultima modifica di Uzumaki99; 01-09-14 alle 12:24
    My G.Nexus

    Rom: Firework
    Kernel: Fireworks Kernel

  5. I seguenti 6 Utenti hanno ringraziato Uzumaki99 per il post:

    fedelamb (25-06-13),imthedoctor (16-06-13),lio97 (14-08-13),oleksandr (18-05-13),Tex99 (17-05-13)

  6. #3
    Senior Droid L'avatar di Uzumaki99

    Registrato dal
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    Galaxy Nexus

    Ringraziato 568 volte in 246 Posts

    Bug Report

    Troubleshooting (Updated 20/10/2013)
    Make sure your device is rooted and install latest SuperSU or SuperUser.
    Make sure you install correct apk for your android version.

    1. Complete Uninstall V4A (driver + app) and reboot.
    2. Install V4A as USER app, begin with battery saving mode.
    3. Use Normal mode, go to Sound settings>Music effects> and choose V4A(either fx or xhifi).
    4. If not working, switch to Compatible mode, go to sound settings>music effects> and select something else besides V4A.
    >>>Test again.
    5. If not working, return to Normal mode, change sound settings, enable Force-Enable.
    >>>Test again.
    6. If not working, repeat step 1 to step 5 but as SYSTEM app.
    >>>Test again.
    7. If nothing works. Disable or remove the default sound effect under MusicFX, then return to Normal Mode.
    >>>Last Test.
    8. If no help, submit a bug report.

    Updated on October 22, 2013
    HOT: Why some settings are missing?
    A: Because you didn't read update log.

    HOT: Why cannot switch driver mode? (battery saving or high quality)
    A: Only CPU with NEON have choices. To change, uninstall and reinstall.

    HOT: Why no effect?
    A: See Troubleshoot.

    1. Which to install? FX or XHiFi or Both?
    A: The difference is explained in V4A main page. Install FX first. XHiFi is optional.

    2. Where is the build.prop lines in instructions?
    A: This step is optional. Those lines are not in every device. You can skip this.

    3. Can I still install V4A if I already using other sound mods?
    A: Yes, after installation, open V4A app and switch to Compatible Mode.

    4. Why installation fail?
    A: Root or SU binary issues. Use latest SuperSU.

    5. Why is superuser not supported?
    A: V4A does support superuser. Some superuser version have bugs, please use a stable version of it.

    See more:

    ViPER's Audio founded by ViPER520.
    Co-founded by ZhuHang.
    CN. vipersaudio.com / EN. facebook.com/vipersaudio
    Copyright (C) 2006-2016 vipercn.com / vipersaudio.com
    Ultima modifica di Uzumaki99; 01-09-14 alle 12:29
    My G.Nexus

    Rom: Firework
    Kernel: Fireworks Kernel

  7. I seguenti 8 Utenti hanno ringraziato Uzumaki99 per il post:

    fedelamb (25-06-13),giannifet (19-07-13),giupa87 (19-05-13),imthedoctor (16-06-13),lio97 (14-08-13),oleksandr (18-05-13),Tex99 (17-05-13)

  8. #4
    Senior Droid L'avatar di Uzumaki99

    Registrato dal
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    Galaxy Nexus

    Ringraziato 568 volte in 246 Posts

    V4A Profiles

    Popular Effect Simulation Profiles (Updated 1/10/2013)
    These setup will sound almost the same compare to original effect.
    1. Dolby System 2.0 (DS2.0) (FX v2.3.0.1)
    - AGC, slight, 4x, 0db
    - VHS+, level 3
    - field surround, strength level 7, mid level 5
    - viperclarity, xhifi mode, default

    V4A Settings Explained

    ViPER's Audio founded by ViPER520.
    Co-founded by ZhuHang.
    CN. vipersaudio.com / EN. facebook.com/vipersaudio
    Copyright (C) 2006-2016 vipercn.com / vipersaudio.com
    Ultima modifica di Uzumaki99; 01-09-14 alle 12:26
    My G.Nexus

    Rom: Firework
    Kernel: Fireworks Kernel

  9. I seguenti 4 Utenti hanno ringraziato Uzumaki99 per il post:

    fedelamb (25-06-13),imthedoctor (16-06-13),lio97 (14-08-13),Tex99 (17-05-13)

  10. #5
    Senior Droid L'avatar di Uzumaki99

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    Ringraziato 568 volte in 246 Posts

    Sticky News
    Past events:

    21 Jan 2013 (Alert - Illegal V4A Theft / V4A Clone)
    Recently, we found an android PAID app very similar to ViPER4Android.
    Judging by the screenshots, its definitely a copy of our app.
    We will do an investigation on this following paid app.

    Please do not mistaken this above app as V4A. ViPER4Android is always free. Do not fall for this and do not buy it.

    Help to share this post to alert others.

    16 October 2013
    Hello everyone!

    Now, our website is ready! You can now register as a subscriber here.

    Celebrating the launch of our website, ViPER4Windows also officially released.
    Head over to ViPER4Windows page for description and instructions.

    You can download all ViPER related contents at downloads page. This includes the V4A, V4W and IRS at the moment.

    12 October 2013
    Our English website is in progress. Its a wordpress based website. Its up, but not ready with posts. We'd be very busy lately so we do not have time to write pages and posts.
    Here's the link: ViPER's Audio | Official English Website

    You can register an account at our website and make comments on our news and posts there. Right now, registration is disabled. We will make announcement when its ready. Cheers.

    6 October 2013
    - Added v2.3.0.1 FAQ (OP#3)
    - Added proper bug report instructions (OP#3)
    - Updated bug list (OP#3)
    - Updated troubleshooting for v2.3.0.1 (OP#3)
    - Updated General FAQ (OP#3)
    - Updated requirement for Rom makers (OP#5)
    - Updated OP index (OP#1)

    30 September 2013
    Whole OP Updated from 1st post to 4th post.
    Instructions, Change logs, Downloads, Bugs, FAQ, Troubleshoot, Settings explained, default settings (replace recommended settings)

    20 September 2013
    This time, we are on XDA Developer TV!
    A very nice quick review right here by Jimmy McGee's Android App Review.
    Android App Review: Get the Sound You Deserve with ViPER4Android ? XDA Developer TV

    4 September 2013
    We finally made our way to the XDA-Developers Portal!!
    Hoooray!! Million thanks to the news writer. ;)
    Tweak Your Mobile Audio with ViPER4Android Audio Effects
    Ultima modifica di Uzumaki99; 01-09-14 alle 12:28
    My G.Nexus

    Rom: Firework
    Kernel: Fireworks Kernel

  11. I seguenti 5 Utenti hanno ringraziato Uzumaki99 per il post:

    fedelamb (25-06-13),imthedoctor (16-06-13),lio97 (14-08-13),morfances (19-03-14),Tex99 (17-05-13)

  12. #6
    Senior Droid L'avatar di Uzumaki99

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    Ringraziato 568 volte in 246 Posts

    Ultima modifica di Uzumaki99; 25-06-13 alle 19:16
    My G.Nexus

    Rom: Firework
    Kernel: Fireworks Kernel

  13. I seguenti 3 Utenti hanno ringraziato Uzumaki99 per il post:

    fedelamb (25-06-13),imthedoctor (16-06-13),Tex99 (17-05-13)

  14. #7
    Senior Droid L'avatar di Uzumaki99

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    Ringraziato 568 volte in 246 Posts

    Ultima modifica di Uzumaki99; 11-06-13 alle 23:13
    My G.Nexus

    Rom: Firework
    Kernel: Fireworks Kernel

  15. I seguenti 2 Utenti hanno ringraziato Uzumaki99 per il post:

    fedelamb (15-07-13),Tex99 (17-05-13)

  16. #8
    Androidiano VIP

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    .apk cinesi senza aver disponibile il sorgente imho son pericolose.
    si sa' bene come lo stato cinese eserciti un forte tecnocontrollo...
    Xoom : team eos 4
    Maguro : VanirAOSP 4.4.4 ART F2FS / TWRP f2fs / SmittyV-UR-NoMeM

  17. #9
    Senior Droid L'avatar di Uzumaki99

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    Su xda vedo che molti la usano

    Inviato dal mio Galaxy Nexus usando Androidiani App
    My G.Nexus

    Rom: Firework
    Kernel: Fireworks Kernel

  18. #10
    Androidiano VIP L'avatar di Carlinho

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    Ma tu hai provato questa MOD ? Funziona ? Quali sono i passi per un'istallazione corretta ?
    Mi sembra abbastanza complicata ed invasiva.
    Inoltre, visto che è una discussione di XDA, è bene che inserisci un link della stessa, almeno ci facciamo anche noi un'idea dai commenti rilasciati.
    Ultima modifica di Carlinho; 17-05-13 alle 13:03

    A sx del post c'è il tasto THANKS non FORMAT !

  19. Il seguente Utente ha ringraziato Carlinho per il post:

    Makrat (10-07-14)

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