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[ROM][FML/AOSP][5.0] FML:Fork my life

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  1. #1
    Senior Droid L'avatar di scarly

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    [ROM][FML/AOSP][5.0] FML:Fork my life

    Ragazzi Vi Apro questo Theard per seguire ufficialmente la rom visto che adesso hanno pure fixato il RIL, Adesso la si può usare perfettamente (per tutti quelli che ne hanno la voglia di provarla )

    Di seguito tutte le caratteristiche principali del post originale.

    The Tale of FML.

    In mid-August of 2013, I decided to set out to improve the performance of my phone with a more optimized build. I had already begun building CyanogenMod 10.2 shortly after all the repositories were updated on GitHub, so I just started forking stuff on GitHub to improve what I could... 42 forks later I finally had a build that finished, booted, etc. And since 42 is 'the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything', and the amount of times I was saying FML during this process, I thought the name 'Fork My Life' would be (in?)appropriate. Now I've finally brought all of the optimizations I was doing with CM-10.2 to CM-11.0 as well, and more recently settled on OmniROM.
    Oh, and now there's these Lollipops I'm handing out. They are free as always, and they are very very delicious.

    Why Should You Use FML? What's Different?!
    To be honest, I don't necessarily care how many users or downloads my ROM has. What I do care about is people liking and enjoying their phone, if you try FML and you like it, great! I'm happy you enjoy it. If you don't, maybe leave some feedback on how I can improve it, and go try something else in the meantime. There are lots of ROMs to choose from, made by lots of talented developers, if you find something you like then I'm happy, regardless of whether or not it's FML. If you'd like to know what I've done that makes FML unique, here's a list:
    - OmniROM base.*
    - Highly optimized, similar to (and in some ways, better than) Linaro, resulting in a smoother and faster Android.*
    - Attention to all the small details, along with always trying to be innovative and do something new and different.*
    - Fully built with the latest GCC 4.8 toolchain from Linaro with C++11 enabled, yet a still-working ART runtime.***
    - Also built with Link-Time Optimization for additional speed improvements.****
    - Completely developed in the open, everything I do is right on my GitHub for anybody to use and improve upon.
    - A somewhat-accurate ambient temperature sensor...*** (requires kernel support as well)
    - A unique but stable kernel, includes 'BIGMEM' as well, adding back about 60MB of usable RAM.*
    - Complete support for F2FS and EXT4, no 'conversions' required, and any combination of F2FS and EXT4 will work, not just 'one or the other.' Maybe you want F2FS on /data only, and EXT4 on /cache and /system? No problem!**
    *: Something that not a lot of ROMs appear to do.
    **: Something completely unique to FML, not done by anybody else (as of 2014/07/05).
    ***: Something that was done first by FML and later used by other developers for their users to enjoy as well!
    ****: Something done by very few ROMs, one or two at most.

    Also available is a custom TWRP recovery image (separate download, not in the ROM itself). Notable changes/Improvements over official TWRP builds:
    - Fixed decryption (was broken in, and under decrypted fine).
    - Possibly improved speed. Most notable is the speed of decryption, other things are mostly limited by the speed of the eMMC instead though.
    - Backlight brightness control.
    - Fixed ADB (this change is actually in the ROM, so it effects ALL TWRP builds, not just this one).
    - Completely seamless support of both EXT4 and F2FS.

    Download: FML-AOSP 5.0 Maguro 07/12/14
    Gapps: FML-GAPPS 5.0 Maguro 09/11/14
    Gapps Minimal: FML-GAPPS-MINI 5.0 Maguro 18/11/14

    Ecco le info:

    These builds are very early! They aren't daily-driver-stable, but they are progressing extremely fast. They don't include the usual FML optimizations either, but they are surprisingly snappy already...
    They are fairly minimal, and are being changed around and updated build-to-build at the moment, so be sure to use the right GApps for the right build please.
    Known Issues:
    - The zip will fail to flash if the system partition is mounted already. Make sure you unmount /system in the Mounts menu in TWRP, before flashing.
    - Stock Camera app isn't working yet. Aftermarket ones, such as Camera ZOOM FX, might work however.
    - Various other things I'm sure are lurking.
    Lollipop Changelogs can be found in the post below!

    Ecco Il Changelog Ufficiale:

    Lollipop Beta 2014/11/16
    - Fixed the RIL.
    There were a few things that went into this, and I can't really take much credit for it other than being persistent in trying to fix it.
    1. rild needed a little fix-up to somewhat return it to pre-Lollipop form. Basically Google is forcing Qualcomm's junk upon the world. @dhiru1602 pointed me in the direction of some commits from rmcc to hardware/ril that fixed this part of the problem.
    2. The kernel needed a commit to support some new junk related to networking in Lollipop. @Ziyan linked me to the change in question.
    - Updated to AOSP "android-5.0.0_r6" tag.
    Really the only change is that the build number is bumped to LRX21T.
    - Switched out a couple small proprietary binaries with a reverse-engineered open-source version.
    Thanks to "Star" go who has really been killin' it for the Motorola OMAP devices recently, we now have a reverse-engineered pvrsrvinit binary (the executable that fires up the GPU drivers on boot-up). This is especially important because the proprietary pvrsrvinit wasn't compiled as PIE (position-independent executable). With Lollipop, they're forcing everything to be PIE, which is good because PIE is better from a security stand-point. Previously I had been adding a workaround to enable support for non-PIE, which I now don't need.
    - Built the ROM with "WITH_DEXPREOPT" set to true.
    This basically just adds the ".odex" files to /system. With ART this is important because it cuts down on those lengthy boot-up times because instead of compiling the apps' code on the device, it now compiles it on my computer when I build the ROM instead.
    - Changed the "Android is upgrading..." screen to prevent burn-in.
    Rather than use Lollipop's eye-hurting bright white theme on this screen, I've switched it back to the classic, darker theme.

    Per Installare la rom:
    1. Wipe Data/system
    2. Wipe Cache
    3. Wipe Davilk Cache
    4. Flash Lolly
    5. Da TWPR andare in advance e fare unmont system
    6. Installare Gapps Lolly
    7. Riavviare

    NB di @Nautiliuz;
    - con l'ultima versione del 16/11/2014 , da recovery TWRP , basta solo fare TUTTI I WIPE , "smontare" la partizione SYSTEM , flashare ROM+GAPPS , "rimontare" SYSTEM e flashare SuperSU (che non è integrato nella rom).
    Per chi è in "full" f2fs , può mantenere in f2fs le partizioni DATA e CACHE e trasformare in ext4 solo la partizione SYSTEM (così il passaggio KK-LOLLY-KK sarà assolutamente indolore)

    Problemi ancora non risolti:
    - non funziona la fotocamera stock e molte altre con vari problemi, tra i quali flash non funzionante (alcune app foto di terze parti funzionano, compreso flash, ma qualche altro problemino c'è sempre...)
    - non funziona fotocamera anteriore
    - non funziona la torcia
    - NON FUNZIONA accelerazione hardware in riproduzione per la visualizzazione filmati (apps tipo MX Player ancora neanche partono, ma se anche partisse avrebbe non pochi problemi legati ai nuovi drivers gpu)
    - riguardo l'output di sintesi vocale funziona solo PICO TTS (quasi bene) , mentre non vanno nè il motore di sintesi di Google, nè IVONA .
    - Il browser stock va in crash appena si tenta di abilitare il PIE
    - problemi con il gps
    - il kernel integrato è acerbissimo e non permette neanche di modificare i colori
    - con il kernel integrato non funziona Touch Control in alcun modo (nessuna versione)
    - la memoria è gestita molto male, e le applicazioni pesanti non consentono di avere il seppur minimo multitasking, anche se con la memoria libera non si rimane agli sgoccioli
    - ...............MANCA IL FULL SCREEN DISPLAY !!!! (e per il nostro amoled non è una cosa di poco conto per non rovinarlo.... soprattutto per chi, come me , lo ha fatto sostituire e usato sempre solo in full screen da quel momento!!!)

    Al Primo riavvio il terminale si prenderà 3-4 minuti per avviarsi, se avete fatto tutto bene, vedrete il nuovo logo google (che io adoro particolarmente) girare e rigirare per 3-4 minuti, quando finirà vi spunta la scritta android per 2 secondi e poi sarete reindirizzati subito al primo avvio.

    Buon Download, Buon Flash, e buon divertimento con questa rom........... Ah Vi ricordo che il forum non e colpevole dei vostri errori, quindi FLASHATE con cura

    Link Ufficiale Alla Discussione su XDA

    Un Grazie Va a
    e a tutti quelli che danno una mano per lo sviluppo.
    Ultima modifica di scarly; 08-12-14 alle 12:45

  2. I seguenti 2 Utenti hanno ringraziato scarly per il post:

    morfances (25-11-14),secamatrix (17-11-14)

  4. #2
    Senior Droid L'avatar di scarly

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  5. #3
    Senior Droid L'avatar di scarly

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    Configurazione Kernel Trickster

    Andate in generali:
    Controllo TCP: Cubic
    Read Ahead Buffer Size: 256
    Scheduler: noop
    Freq. Min/Max: 350 Mhz && 1200 Mhz
    *Governor: interactive

    **Adesso cliccate su controllo governor, andate su boost e vedrete un valore di 0, impostatelo su uno. Salvate il tutto con la "V" che vi spunta sopra nella barra colorata accanto all'icona impostazioni, fate uno swipe da destra verso sinistra e spuntate impostazioni kernel (per far partire tutte le impostazioni che avete settato adesso ad ogni avvio del terminale)

    Chiudete ed avrete molta più stabilità di prima. (almeno con me e così, Fatemi sapere)

    Ultima modifica di scarly; 18-11-14 alle 19:12

  6. #4
    Baby Droid

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    Quindi anche i dati sono stati fixati?Se è così la provo subito

  7. #5
    Senior Droid L'avatar di scarly

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    si fixati e funzionanti al 100%, io ancora non ho avuto modo di provarla per mancanza di tempo, ma ci sono immagini su XDA che lo confermano

  8. #6

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    bene io l'avevo provata sabato ma senza i dati...

  9. #7
    Senior Droid L'avatar di scarly

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    beh puoi flashare di nuovo se la rom che hai provato tu andava bene per i tuoi gusti

  10. #8
    Androidiano VIP

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    i dati funzionano ma l'apn va settato a mano, qualcuno però (una piccola percentuale a occhio) lamenta ancora problemi con i dati, non si sa se per colpa della rom o magari di installazioni imperfette

  11. #9
    Baby Droid

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    Quando installo mi viene fuori una scritta rosa,perchè?Qualcuno può aiutarmi?

  12. #10
    Senior Droid L'avatar di scarly

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    Quote Originariamente inviato da secamatrix Visualizza il messaggio
    Quando installo mi viene fuori una scritta rosa,perchè?Qualcuno può aiutarmi?
    Hai fatto i relativi wipe?
    Device: Galaxy Nexus
    Rom: Zmod 5.1 (by Ziyan)
    Kernel: LuckyK (by Me )

    LuckyK Theard
    Kernel's Git
    My Git's

    Fenix Developer

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