Ciao ragazzi vi propongo un altra rom fresca di pratica si tratta di una rom ibrida tra la base europea 1.78 e l ultimo aggiornamento t mobile di qualche giorno fa..per installare la rom solita procedura: full wipe..flash rom e subito dopo flash boot da recovery..
link discussione xda [ROM][ICS] |June 10th| Energy™ -.¸¸.·´¯ Blue | Tweaks | APM | Very stable ¯´·.¸¸. - - xda-developers
Impressioni:secondo me è davvero una bellissima rom..molto veloce e fluida(unico difetto visualizza 4g invece di 3g) grafica è molto bella...
link rom + boot...Dev-Host - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service
Descrizione rom
Rosie 5x6 Layout
Based on the latest TMO/European bases ! (latest OTA upgrade 1.84.531.2 is in)
Transparent and extended quick settings
Blue highlights instead of green
Deodexed, zipaligned, tweaked
Busybox + runparts, TitaniumBackup
A few HTC Apps removed, like HTC Navigation and HTC Watch
A lot of other bloat removed
Stock HTC Kernel modified by me
Screenshot by pressing Power and Home
Advanced Power Menu
Updated hosts file for ad removal
Fast... Stable.. and GREAT battery life !
Tweaks, EQS and APM Thanks to Jan87 and LeeDroid!
Added built in ad blocking
Fixed Wifi Calling
Fixed some dialog box graphics inconsistencies
Updated to new 1.84 kernel modules (please reflash the kernel zip in the download directory! otherwise... no wifi...)
Initial Release for One S !
High quality, bugfree ROM.
Bootup from initial splash screen to desktop will take about 2 minutes and 15 seconds... so be patient ( this assumes a CLEAN wipe was done before flash)