Ciao ragazzi voglio condividere la rom di modaco
Caratteristiche della rom:
Rebuilt, compressed and optimised with the MCR build system
Based on the 1.78.401.2 release
All Google applications updated
All third party applications updated
Vanilla option using stock ICS components instead of HTC Sense components while retaining stability and core HTC functionality
Superuser application and su binary from ChainfireXDA (SuperSU) for SAFE root functionality
Insecure boot image (boot image must be flashed via fastboot for S-ON devices)
Busybox included
Not odexed
Insecure boot image
Alternative appstores
Our own 'OdexMe' on-demand odex application
init.d support on boot
Modified startup sequence to offer all available languages
UK English localisation for flashlight / torch
Menu mod - includes some changes created by XDA member 'blubbers'
Nosync SQLite binary (user request)
Much much much more!
Ir2 Sense - - MD5: 7e0b369724a4347e5036171792308861
Ir2 Vanilla - - MD5: 9840e937025e25579fbcb0dcc14b8220
Prima di flasciare la rom perfezionare un full wipe (cache-dalvin cache - reset data - system )
ALL IN ONE MOD For Deodexed 1.78 ROM base
Auto Brightness Patch to improve battery life
Remapped recents button to Menu
Longpress Menu remappped to recents
Removed annoying 3-dot menu
Advanced Power Menu
link One S 178 - Minus