TeamWin is proud to present TWRP for the HTC One S!
Post #1 - Changelog - download - installazione
Post #2 - Utilizzo della recovey nOOb Friendly
(nel pomeriggio va online
datemi tempo di scriverla e fare le foto alla recovery, quelle che si trovano in rete sono della 2.1.1 
Fixed 2 bugs related to restore, one dealing with mknod failures (by bigbiff) and one dealing with restoring hardlinks (by Dees_Troy)
NOTE: If your backups weren't restoring correctly in earlier 2.4.x versions they should restore correctly now. Hopefully you didn't delete those backups. If you're still having problems, run the restore, go to advanced and copy log, then give us the log. Complaints without logs will be rightfully ignored.
Added a scroll bar to file selectors and listboxes courtesy of Tassadar
Added libblkid for more accurate detection of file systems and can now detect exFAT properly thanks to bigbiff
Added a screen dim effect 2 seconds before screen off on some devices
Finally fixed file selector crash (one of the joys of working with multi-threaded software)
Fixed loading of screen timeout setting during startup
Improvements and bugfixes to screen timeout code
Fixed persistence of the 24 hour / military time setting
-Add screen timeout - screen will turn off automatically after 60 seconds, saves battery and prevents screen burn-in especially on AMOLED devices
-Add a brightness setting (requires device specific setup and only some devices have been added)
-Add a root checker and offer to install SuperSU if the device isn't already rooted
-Add a write buffer to libtar backups, significant improvements to speeds when backing up to exFAT target, minor improvements for other file systems
-Check and offer to fix root permissions if broken
-Add an option for a 24 hour clock display instead of AM/PM (aka military time)
-Move stock recovery reflash check to occur during the reboot cycle
-Add support for some MTK6xxx devices
-Change libtar to vfork to help prevent memory problems
-Add a "clicked" effect to most buttons, file selector, and listbox
-Improve timezone listbox to be more like file selector (per pixel kinetic scrolling, etc)
-Remove some no longer used settings (Forced MD5 sum on zips, size checking on image backups)
-Other minor bugfixes and improvements
-Added USB OTG support
-Updated kernel from HTC (may result in short lag when rebooting out of recovery and a color shift when using aroma)
Using libtar instead of busybox's tar for better control over tar file creation and breaking the 2GB barrier that busybox imposes (thanks to bigbiff)
Support for exFAT formatted sdcards (also thanks to bigbiff)
Support for decrypting Samsung TouchWiz encrypted devices including internal and external storage (special thanks to a3955269 for figuring it out)
Improvements to OpenRecoveryScript including displaying a proper GUI while the script is running
Added wipe cache and dalvik after ADB Sideload
Replaced many system calls with their native C counterparts
Fixed bugs in file manager where it would display an empty list after moving or deleting a folder
Fixed AOSP recovery commands to run after decryption on encrypted devices
Improvements for building TWRP in CM10.1
Other minor bugfixes and improvements
Unmount system after boot to prevent some status 7 symlink failed errors on zip install
USB Mass Storage code improvements
Better handling of mounting storage during boot for some devices
Fixed a problem with sizes of images (boot & recovery) after resetting defaults
Fixed size errors during backup for some devices on recovery, etc.
Fixed a problem with restoring backups when multiple archives were present
Special credits:
toastcfh for the device work and rhcp for the initial build and testing
Full TeamWin credits are on the TWRP page on the TeamWin website: TeamWin Projects - TWRP 2.2 | TeamWin
Team Win Recovery Project, o twrp2 in breve, è una custom recovery progetata per la facilità d'uso e di customizzazione. è interamente touch quindi non si utilizzano più il tasto power e il bilanciere del volume. la GUI è totalmente in XML e perfettamente temabile, quindi in futuro avremo la possibilità di avere anche la recovery temata 
in alto a destra scegliete "get twrp for your device"
digitate "one s"
scegliete la recovery a seconda se avete la variante S3 o S4 -> NON SBAGLIATEVI <-
Installazione con FLASH IMAGE GUI
scaricate la recovery che è .img
aprite flash image GUI e selezionare recovery
Con browse andate a cercare la vostra recovery.img
normal reboot
Metodo con Fastboot:
collegate il telefono al pc in modalità solo carica
aprite il terminale e spostatevi con cd nella cartella dove avete fastboot e adb
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash recovery
fastboot reboot