Post #1 - Changelog e download + link alla spiegazione dei venom tweaks
Post #2 - Screenshot
Post #3 - Download venom kitchen per temarsi la Viper
Post #4 - Le mie impostazioni nei venom tweaks (spero di metterci anche le vostre se sarete così gentili da condividerle)
codice:ViperOneS 1.2.1 Completely rebuild and optimized Compressed all files with latest tools Removed debugging/checkin code in smali by HTC Zipaligned with latest SDK r21 Improved overall performance New Rosie (might be a bit smoother) Removed HTC Sense signature check All skins in hub work Fixed dialer not working correctly Fixed Friendstream not working for people who downloaded the new build Fixed small sizing issue in settings Fixed Sweep2Wake toggle in tweaks app not working (especially edited for Zarboz kernel) Fixed Youtube HD and screen off playback Cleaned and fixed exchange mod in AROMA Updated and cleaned AROMA binary Updated third party apps Other minor changes and fixes Note: If you toggle Quicksettings style, check or uncheck quick-quick settings once, if you also want to activate vertical QS ViperOneS 1.2.0 Added new Venom Hub with Skin support Added totally new Status bar UI Added Quick Launch for custom apps to Statusbar Added CPU settings to tweaks app --------In Aroma Installer--------- Added option to choose between Sense 4.5 and Sense 4.1 camera Added option to choose between normal keyboard and chinese fixed keyboard ---------------------------------- Added support for Virtuous widgets Fixed USSD security bug Fixed some minor Rosie glitches Reverted Statusbar back to stock look Removed smooth Rosie options from tweaks (not necessary with 4.1 Rosie) Note: If you toggle Quicksettings style, check or uncheck quick-quick settings once, if you also want to activate vertical QS
Grazie a FloWolf One per le review di tutti i tweaks
Download Viper One S 1.2.1
Gli aggiornamenti vi arrivano come quelli HTC, andate in impostazioni -> info telefono -> aggiornamenti software -> controlla ora
Per chi non li riceva per qualche strano motivo ecco qui i download dei vari update
Download ViperOneS 1.2.0
per chi ha problemi con l'app telefono date un occhio qui: xda-developers - View Single Post - [ROM][S4][06.10] Team Venom presents: ViperOneS 1.2.0 - The most innovative Sense Rom è uno zip da flashare da recovery
- mettete la rom nella sd
- scaricate questa applicazione e installatela
- aprire l'app e tappate su browse
- selezionate la rom
- vi mostrerà avvertimenti, finito di caricare il kernel tappate su flash image e riavviate in recovery
- eseguite questi wipe
- Factory reset
- wipe system
- wipe cache
- tornate nel menù principale e andate su install from sd card e selezionate la rom
- flashate
- riavviate
NB: dopo ogni mod che flasherete in recovery è CONSIGLIABILE fare sempre PRIMA un riavvio, ad accensione completata riavviare nuovamente in recovery e fare wipe cache
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