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KERNEL][S4][AOSP][4.4/4.3][23Apr] Bubba Kernel

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  1. #1
    Androidiano L'avatar di rmbq

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    Ringraziato 37 volte in 21 Posts

    KERNEL][S4][AOSP][4.4/4.3][23Apr] Bubba Kernel

    Non mi assumo la responsabilità dei vostri telefoni, flashate a vostro rischio e pericolo

    Ciao a tutti!
    Propongo anche qui (il topic originario è su xda) un kernel che sto sviluppando, Enjoy

    • Based on linux 3.4.87
    • Compiled with linaro toolchain 4.8.3 2014.02 optimized for cortex-a15
    • Linaro -O3 optimization
    • avaiable CPU governors: interactive, ondemand, performance, powersave, intellimand, intelliactive
    • avaiable GPU governors: ondemand, performance, simple
    • avaiable schedulers: row, deadline, noop, cfq, bfqv7r2, fiops, sio
    • sleepy Plug
    • NTFS read & write support
    • exfat support
    • UTF8
    • BLN
    • Voltage control
    • Sweep2Wake
    • Double tap 2 wake
    • Pocket detection
    • Intelli-thermal
    • zRam with LZ4 compression
    • zCache with LZ4 compression
    • CPU OC to 1.7 GHz
    • GPU OC to 512MHz (3D) and 320MHZ (2D)
    • Faux sound control v. 3
    • Improved alghorithm: SHA1, AES, SQRT, lib/string (glibc version), lib/memcopy (glibc version), XOR (neon)
    • dynamic fsync by faux123
    • MSM LCD temperature calibrations
    • fastcharge
    • heavly patched memory allocators, RWSEM and mutex (take a look at my github, too many changes to make a list here)

    Considera una piccola donazione se ti piace il mio lavoro

    cartella androidfilehost: http://www.androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=12455
    (if you don't see the new version just wait some minutes, it's uploading)

    Kernel Source: Github
    Ultima modifica di rmbq; 23-04-14 alle 21:37

  2. I seguenti 4 Utenti hanno ringraziato rmbq per il post:

    Foff (13-02-13),maestropaolino (26-02-13),ultimo125 (12-09-13)

  4. #2
    Androidiano L'avatar di rmbq

    Registrato dal
    Feb 2012
    HTC Ville

    Ringraziato 37 volte in 21 Posts

    [APR 23 2014]
    enable vol to wake
    replace powersuspend to earlysuspend everywhere
    [APR 22 2014]
    update to 3.4.87
    merge codeaurora/kk_2.7_rb1.35
    re enable elf_dumo and perf_counter (disable them cause instability)
    prima driver built with -Os flag for stability
    disable vol to wake up
    [APR 12 2014]
    update to 3.4.86
    merge codeaurora/kk_2.7-stable
    sync with cm sources
    update sleepy_plug 
    add new powersuspend driver
    disable deprecated early suspend driver
    optimized char/random 
    improved mm/oom
    improved fair scheduler
    [MAR 19 2014]
    update compiler to 2014.03
    merge codeaurora/kk_2.7_rb1.31
    sync with cm sources
    disabled kcal (it doesn't work properly) perf counter (deprecated) and elf dump
    re-enable kgsl_2d driver
    sleepy_plug: switch to use dedicated high priority workqueue
    [MAR 03 2014]
    Disable module loading again, it causes reboots
    removed radio iris driver, it work only as module
    remove kgsl post mortem dump
    remove kgsl 2d (z180) driver (is it needed?)
    KGSL: simple governor: don't modify laziness value when reset laziness count
    adjust kgsl_3d0 and _2d1 init_level values
    [MAR 01 2014]
    merge codeaurora/kk_2.7_rb1.29
    fix kgsl_3d0 and kgsl_2d0 init_level (now GPU scale freq from 128MHz to maxFreq)
    update sleepy_plug
    disable all DEBUG
    silence debug info from battery gyro leds and touchescreen drivers
    add power-on alarm feature
    add power efficent workqueue
    compile radio-iris-transport ad module
    [FEB 25 2014]
    update to 3.4.82
    removed intelli_plug and added sleepy_plug
    [FEB 23 2014]
    update to 3.4.81
    merge codeaurora/kk_2.7_rb1.27
    update compiler 
    added intelliactive governor
    removed mp decision and added intelliplug
    sync with cm sources
    optimized kernel compress for cortex-a15
    updated BFQ scheduler to version 7r2
    re-added fastcharge
    [FEB 02 2014]
    changed compiler to this
    update to 3.4.79
    merge codeaurora/kk_2.7_rb1.25
    ondemand patches from CAF 
    input: ewtzmu2: Fix gyro off status checks (credits Erwin Mascher)
    using sparsemem instead flatmem
    AES with NEON instruction and thumb2 compatible
    add support for kernel mode NEON
    [JAN 29 2014]
    update to 3.4.78
    merge codeaurora/kk_2.7_rb1.22
    compiled with -O3 optimization
    new compiler: linaro toolchain 4.8.3 2014.01 optimized for cortex-a15
    interactive governor patches from CAF
    add UIO driver
    various CAF patches: iommu, memory management, kgsl, sched, spinlock, bam_dmux
    update drivers: battery, pm8921, headset, acoustic (credits CM)
    msm: HTC: Update htc_restart_handler … (credits CM)
    msm: HTC: Update devices_htc.c (credits CM)
    msm: HTC: Update emmc partitions code (credits CM)
    msm_kcal_ctrl: initial code for generic MSM LCD temperature calibrations (credits faux123, fixed by me)
    removed fast charge (for the moment)
    [JAN 13 2014]
    sync with CM source
    msm: mdss: set vsync clock rate (credits Kuogee Hsieh)
    sched: set sched_mc_power_savings to 2 for max powersave (credits franciscofranco) here
    [JAN 07 2014]
    remove knock on
    back to stock interactive
    sync ondemand governor to CM sources
    futex patches by CAF
    workqueue backported from kernel 3.7 (credits mgr666)
    overclock slimbus (better audio)
    add generic strlen_user function
    add generic strcpy_user function
    build all module inside the kernel
    do not compile exfat module
    [JAN 05 2014]
    add knock on feature
    update ondemand and interactive goveron to quic/la/kernel/msm-3.10 caf/msm-3.7
    fix an L2 cache derp
    sched,rt: disable rt_runtime borrowing by defaul (CAF)
    sched: remove redundant update_runtime notifier (CAF)
    sched: reinitialize rq->next_balance when a CPU is hot-added (CAF)
    [JAN 04 2014]
    revert Memory model patches of last release
    merge codeaurora/kk_2.7_rb1.18
    overclock L2 cache
    mmc patches from CAF
    compiled with linaro toolchain 4.8.3 2013-11 optimized for cortex-a15
    [DEC 25 2013]
    update to 3.4.75 (skipping 3.4.73)
    Memory model patches from CAF
    msm krait cpu patches from CAF
    [DEC 18 2013]
    merge codeaurora/kk_2.7_rb1.16
    pocket detection default ON
    faux sound control patches by faux123
    add NEON accelerated XOR implementation
    memory allocator patches from kernel 3.5 and newer, add frontswap
    sched: LOAD_FREQ (4*HZ+61) avoids loadavg Moire. credit: http://ripke.com/loadavg/moire
    Async Fsync from HTC thanks faux123
    smp and idle patches (look at my github for more details)
    [DEC 10 2013]
    intellimand: adjust values for msm8960
    cpufreq: Fix optimal_freq logic on ramp down
    msm: Synchronize CPU frequency on thread migration
    cpufreq: Use dedicated high-priority workqueues
    cpufreq: ondemand: change freq sync code to use per-CPU kthreads
    cpufreq: ondemand: Fix store_powersave_bias() race with hotplug
    cpufreq: ondemand: Fix locking in store_powersave_bias
    cpufreq: ondemand: Fix locking issue in store_powersave_bias
    msm: cpufreq: Only apply driver limits for scaling_min/max_freq writes
    cpufreq: break earlier if target_freq is equal to current freq
    cpufreq: Save user policy min/max instead of policy min/max during hotplug
    msm: pil: Add HTC delay for rmt_storage
    Revert "ALSA: fix oops in snd_pcm_info() caused by ASoC DPCM"
    added exfat driver by samsung (thanks faux123)
    update cm3629 (light and proximity sensor) driver and write a new function for pocket detection
    pocket detection: use the new function
    [DEC 08 2013]
    fix ZRAM compatibility issue with codeaurora/kk_2.7.1 branch
    sync with cm:
    remove cpu-boots driver
    merge codeaurora/kk_2.7.1
    msm: iomap: Add HTC memory region mappings
    msm: HTC: Use msm_iomap for ram console addresses
    cpufreq: Retain only online cpus in managed_policy->cpus 
    msm: HTC: 8960: enable GTOD helpers, disable DLOAD mode, disable CACHE_ERP
    [DEC 06 DEC]
    update to 3.4.72
    merge codeaurora/kk_2.7_rb1.11
    add cpu-boots driver
    unpdate intellimand to version 5.0 (probably it needs some adjustment for ville)
    jiffies conversions: Use compile time constants when possible (commit)
    a lot of patches for filesystem, mutex and memory allocators
    fix build without GPU oc thx jrior001 
    make change BLN s2w dt2w pd and atmel244e sysf entrypoint
    [DEC 02 2013]
    switch toolchain to linaro 2013-11
    Merge 'codeaurora/kk_2.7_rb1.10'
    Merge 'codeaurora/kk_2.7_rb1.9'
    [NOV 25 2013] END 4.3 support
    update to 3.4.70
    add CPU OC thx to jrior001
    add GPU OC thx to jrior001
    add dynamic fsync by faux 
    optimized algorithms: ARM RWSEM, SQRT,AES,SHA1
    use lib/string and lib/memcopy glibc version
    add Faux123 sound control v3
    [NOV 18 2013]
    update to 3.4.69
    switch toolchain to linaro 2013-10
    added simple GPU governor by faux123 
    fixed build flags mess
    min selectable voltage from 850 to 800
    msm: vidc: Initialize kernel space stack variables (fix memory leak in UI)
    fixed pocket detection, now works also with dt2w
    pocket detection disable by default
    [NOV 10 2013]
    compiled with -Os optimization
    [NOV 08 2013]
    update to 3.4.68
    merged AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. based on quic/aosp/jb_2.6
    Fix for race condition of starting cpu1 when cpu0 in PC.
    compiled with linaro -O2 optimization
    added double tap 2 wake by flar2 (tap 2 times on home button to wake device)
    added pocket detection by flar2 (prevent wake in pocket when s2w or dt2w ON)
    disable qcache
    enable zRam and zCache
    optimize zRam for Android use and update to Samsung SGS 4 update 2 thanks to faux123
    removed thermal management by showp1948
    added intell-thermal by faux123
    added QV version (read FAQ)
    switch to any_kernel zip
    [OCT 26 2013]
    update to 3.4.67
    added s2w by showp1984 and fixed for AOSP kernel 3.4
    added Fast charge support, force cable to AC when is USB cable is plugged
    update thermal driver to sense bricked kernel with thermal 3phase management by showp
    added faux sound control v2.0
    applied ck3 patch by Con Kolivas
    update ville_defconfig with lastest CM changes: less debug, use FLATMEM if HTC 8960 device, set missing CONTIG_MEM (This replaces the older PMEM reservation option)
    [OCT 19 2013]
    Add voltage control (thanks faux123)
    added wake-on-volume support (credits to CM team)
    fix OTG (credits to CM team)
    Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. based on CAF quic/aosp/jb_2.6
    [OCT 14 2013]
    restart from clean CM sources
    revert AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. merge
    update to 3.4.66
    compiled with cfX toolchain 2013-07
    added sio,fiops,bfqv6 schedulers
    added intellimand governor
    added BLN
    added effective timer slack, read more here and here
    improved build flags, read more here
    added Add PR_{GET,SET}_NO_NEW_PRIVS, read more here
    change owner of /sys/class/leds/button-backlight/currents to root
    change permission of /sys/class/leds/button-backlight/currents to 0444
    Ultima modifica di rmbq; 23-04-14 alle 21:36

  5. Il seguente Utente ha ringraziato rmbq per il post:

    ultimo125 (12-09-13)

  6. #3
    Androidiano L'avatar di rmbq

    Registrato dal
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    HTC Ville

    Ringraziato 37 volte in 21 Posts

    Dove sono le vecchie versioni?
    qui -> https://www.mediafire.com/#2qnn5ox68806f (e qui)
    Q: Cos'è la versione QV?
    A: QV sta per "tensioni (voltaggi) qualcomm". qualcomm ha rilasciato una patch che setta tutte le tensioni a 1150mv per questioni di stabilità. la versione normale non applica questa patch (consumo di batteria minore ma possibili insabilità)
    Q: Non trovo la pennetta USB
    A: guarda nella cartella /mnt/usbdisk.
    Q: Cos'è e come abilito/disabilito fastcharge?
    A: Con fastcharge il telefono vedrà il cavo USB come un cavo AC quindi dovrebbe ricaricare il telefono in meno tempo.
    col cavo staccato edita il file /sys/kernel/fast_charge/force_fast_charge:
    0 -> disabilitato
    1 -> abilitato
    e poi collega il cavo
    Q: Ho dei random reboot, cosa ti serve?
    A: prima leggi questo
    e poi scrivi:
    • kernel version
    • ROM
    • governor
    • scheduler
    • undervolted? se si non undervoltare
    • QV version? se no usala
    • last_kmsg
    Q: what's BLN and how i enable/disable it?
    with BLN on when you received a notify the soft key will blink.
    to disable it go to (with a root file manager) /sys/class/leds/button-backlight/blink_buttons and write 0. to enable it write 1
    Q: cos'è lo s2w e come lo abilito/disabilito?
    s2w permette di svegliare il telefono facendo scorrere il dito dal tasto indietro al tasto recenti (sinistra -> destra). il movimento contrario (destra -> sinistra) metterà il telefono a dormire.
    edita il file /sys/android_touch/sweep2wake:
    0 -> disabilitato
    1 -> abilitato
    Q: Cos'è il dt2w e come lo abilito/disabilito?
    dt2w permetto di svegliare il telefono cliccando due volte sul tasto home.
    edita il file /sys/android_touch/doubletap2wake:
    0 -> disabilitato
    1 -> abilitato
    Istruzioni per l'installazione:
    - flash awesome kernel cleaning script: http://d-h.st/HDi (opzionale)
    - flasha lo zip in recovery
    - flash awesome kernel cleaning script: http://d-h.st/HDi (opzionale)
    - usa zImage switcher per creare una nuova boot.img
    fastboot flash boot newBoot.img
    Windows: (non chiedetemi come funziona)
    - repack your ROM boot.img with mine zImage using Virtuous Ten Studio http://www.virtuous-ten-studio.com/index.php/downloads
    fastboot flash boot newBoot.img
    Bugs 3.4:

    Bugs 3.0:
    • None

    If you want to use my kernel for your ROM just use it and cit me in credits
    Ultima modifica di rmbq; 22-03-14 alle 14:46

  7. Il seguente Utente ha ringraziato rmbq per il post:

    ultimo125 (12-09-13)

  8. #4

    Io lo sto provando giusto da questa mattina sulla aokp 4.2.1 del 7/2

    Edit: non ho visto che avevi aggiornato alla versione 2.5 sto scaricando.

    Inviato dal mio HTC Flyer P510e con Tapatalk 2
    Ultima modifica di Richtc; 12-02-13 alle 20:45

  9. #5
    Androidiano L'avatar di rmbq

    Registrato dal
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    HTC Ville

    Ringraziato 37 volte in 21 Posts

    Quote Originariamente inviato da Richtc Visualizza il messaggio
    Io lo sto provando giusto da questa mattina sulla aokp 4.2.1 del 7/2..mi sembra molto buono per ora, funziona tutto specialmente l'mpdecision, con altri kernel mi dava errore l'impostazione di up e down treshold. Riavviando però non mi mantiene nessuna impostazione data con kernel tuner.

    Inviato dal mio HTC Flyer P510e con Tapatalk 2
    Indagherò su questa cosa!

  10. #6

    La versione però era la 2.0, non mi ero accorto che fosse uscita la v2.5 che ho già scaricato poi ti farò sapere

  11. #7
    Androidiano L'avatar di rmbq

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    Ringraziato 37 volte in 21 Posts

    versione 2.6 rialsciata! andate su xda x i download perchè nn posso ancora aggiornare i link (se un mod lo vuol fare al posto mio lo ringrazio)

  12. #8

    aggiornati boot.img e modulo wireless per la 2.6

    gli altri moduli rilasciati il 12/2 contenuti in modules.zip vanno sempre sostituiti anche in questa versione o basta solo il wlan.ko?

  13. #9
    Androidiano L'avatar di rmbq

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    Ringraziato 37 volte in 21 Posts

    Quote Originariamente inviato da Richtc Visualizza il messaggio
    aggiornati boot.img e modulo wireless per la 2.6

    gli altri moduli rilasciati il 12/2 contenuti in modules.zip vanno sempre sostituiti anche in questa versione o basta solo il wlan.ko?
    basta il wlan.ko, i vecchi moduli non so se vanno bene con il nuovo kernel o se bisogna usare i nuovi moduli (non ancora rilasciati)

  14. #10

    ok allora per evitare inconvenienti elimino il link ai moduli per v2.5, quando li farai uscire per 2.6 se potrai li metterai tu altrimenti ghe penzi mi

    Sono dovuto tornare alla Viper 2 ma per quanto ho provato il 2.5 mi è sembrato molto molto buono, mpdecision e thermald non si resettano se riavvio, mentre il clock e uv si....ogni tanto (non ho capito a cosa è dovuto) il clock della cpu1 si resetta e torna a 1809mhz

    Ho settato cpu0 a 1458mhz e cpu1 a 1134mhz, entrambe le minime a 192mhz

    Perfetto invece lo s2w, su altri kernel non è così fluido e anche se il terminale è a schermo spento da un bel po reagisce benissimo. Ottima la batteria

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