Avatar ROM
CM based ROM for HTC One S (Ville)
Ami la semplicità della CM? Ami le personalizzazioni della MIUI?
Il team di Avatar le fonde entrambi in un unica ROM. Godetevi i bellissimi temi MIUI su base di Cyanogen.
Info base ROM
- Android JB - 4.2.2
- CM10.1
- - riavviate in recovery
- - andate nel menù backup
- - se volete date il nome in modo da ricordarvi in futuro che tipo di rom contiene il nand backup
- - fate partire il backup tramite lo slide nella parte bassa dello schermo
- scaricare la rom e le gapps
- aprite lo zip e copiate la boot.img nella cartella dove avete fastboot
- mettere la rom.zip nella root della sd
- spegnete il telefono e premete power+vol- fino a che non vedrete la schermata del bootloader
- andate in fastboot e vedrete comparire la scritta rossa "fastboot usb" quando collegherete il telefono al pc tramite cavo
- aprite il terminale sul pc
- spostatevi con cd nella cartella dove avete fastboot
- digitate
codice:fastboot flash boot boot.img fastboot erase cache
- scollegate il telefono dal pc e riavviate in recovery
- andate nel menù " wipe " e fate i seguenti wipe
- factory reset
- wipe system
- wipe cache
- andate nel menù "install" e andate a scegliere la vostra rom
- swipe per flashare
- flash gapps
- riavviate
Nightly Release 3.x.y - Android version 4.2.2 based on CM10.1
Nightly 3.1 Aug 25 2013
Stable Release 3.x - Android version 4.2.2 based on CM10.1
Stable 3.0
Beta Release - Android version 4.2.2 based on CM10.1
Link(Jun 23, 2013)
Gapps (4.2.2)BETA CHANGE
The platform for avatarrom as of now is CM10.1. The following components are changed on top CM10.1.
Status Bar
- Fixed memory leaks
Theme Chooser
- Google playstore like theme chooser - head here and download cool MIUI converted themes and CM themes.
- Bazooka Launcher (market link)
- Own launcher which is an enhanced version of Trebuchet (you can download this at the end of this post)
- Enhanced theming by adding dockbar
- Preview mode to edit workspaces
- Many new Customization options.
- Different gestures like swipe-up, swipe-down, double-tap, home-button press are added.
- Added "edit workspace" option in menu button.
Messaging App
- Changed message thread to make them themeable
- Themeable Emoticons
Boot Animation
- Themeable boot animation - the only CM ROM to do so
Font Theming
- Only ROM to support change of font without a reboot.
- Tons of themes which change font - Eg: Buff, Simpsons, Mi_Xmas, European Gorgeous etc
- Changed statistics to point to Avatar statistics server
- OTA updater - you can check for updates to Avatar right from your device
- Changed to support Avatar ROMs
- Support for Gapps - download latest Gapps package as an OTA update
- Integrated with ACRA Error Reporter for system wide crashes
- Changed to make them themeable
- Support for complex unlock gestures
- A smart tasker kind of app which can help you to automate your device.
- You can use exisiting rules or create your own customized rules for your needs.
Layout Theming
- Themes not only change images, colors but it also can change the size, shape and position of any UI element.
Theme Editor
- A tool to insulate you from all the complex operations involved in theming.
- More info - Link
- usage - Link
Thanks to the Avatar Team