The Magio Rom team is proud to present the Magio Rom Official Website.
Magio Rom - Home
The official website will be updated regularly.
Magio Rom will be holding a contest in one week!
A video will be made to announce the contest!
The winner of the contest will receive a limited edition theme made by grinder19!
To enter all you have to do is sign up on the website its that simple!
Also please consider donating to me
All funds will be put towards the website.
While you are at it please think about donating to the developers for all their hard work they have over 100 hours invested towards development.
And don't forget trigger he is doing brilliant job with one s magiorom
If donations links don't work then please click donation links on our profiles or in my signature
Please consider contributing to us we work long hours to bring the best to you guys. Its hard for most of us as we work all day then work on this all night sometimes not going to sleep at all.
We want to continue to be the best but all we ask is a little patience and donations to help us out.
Website is awesome and I'm learning to create a new app for magiorom and trying to finish current themes with a broken laptop I need to buy a new pc but don't have the cash to do so, so its taking a lot longer sorry guys
"There have always been ghosts in the machine. Random segments of code that have grouped together to form unexpected protocols."
ViperJBx appears to be one of these Ghosts
If you like my work please consider Donating to me
25% of all donations will be going to cancer research uk
Sent from my HTC One X+