Con flash di questa rom vi assumete la piena responsabilità per tutto ciò che più accade al vostro dispositivo.. Lo sviluppatore NON potrà essere ritenuto responsabile per qualsiasi cosa accada al vostro dispositivo. Naturalmente, questa rom è stata testata, ma qualunque cosa accada al vostro dispositivo non verrà ritenuta colpa dello sviluppatore.
L'unica e sola KingCobra ROM è qui! Super smooth e Sense 4,5 Questo è quello che stavate aspettando! Una rom looks and feels impressionante, ma ha uno dei migliori sistemi di ram managment che non troverete da nessuna parte. Questa meravigliosa rom è tutto ciò di cui avete bisogno per questo incredibile device. Questa ROM è un candidato perfetto per il vostro daily driver, è sempre super veloce e sembra ancora più sexy perché include la caratteristiche della Sense 5 che noi tutti amiamo! In poche parole, questa rom è impressionante!
1.This Rom is based off the TMOUS_3.14.531.17.70rd RUU
2.Deodexed Zipaligned With Latest SDK RC20 Rooted With Latest SU Binairies.
3.Bulletproof Kernel...
4.A super Smooth UI.
5.Viper4Android + some irs to your sd card
6.Ultimate sound
7.New T-mobile Boot Up
8.Bravia Engine.
9.Cool Aroma Theme{Aroma}.
10.Sweep To Wake up
11.Sense 5 Icons
12.Sense 5 KeyBoard.
13.Sense 5 sounds
14.Added WWE Languages
16.Remove Apps{Aroma}.
17.All Apps Updated To Latest Version.
18.Battery Pecentage.
19.Busybox, Busybox-run-parts supported, /data/app-enabled, and Bash-shell support
20.KingCobra Tweaks And Paches.
21.Sony Xloud.
22.HEQS quick settings.
23.Advanced Power Menu.
24.removed PCtools.iso
25.Removed htc logers (your now safe)
26.int.d script support
27. And more i forgot.
Aroma Options:
Volrocker mod
Vol Step 30
Vol Step 45
Remove apps
Remove keyboard
Installation Instructions:
S - Off:
Download your ROM
Boot into Recovery
Wipe Data/Factory Reset
Then Flash The Rom!
S - On:
Same as S - Off but remember to flash boot.img In Fast Boot!
{FastBoot Flash boot boot.img} or use Flash Image GUI
Changelog:v1.0.0 - 8/23/13: Initial Release
v1.0.1 - 8/23/13: Small OTA update 1.0.1
- Add Xposed Installer In Rom no More Install Your Self Or AOI
- Fixed DPI
- Add In ROMDashboard For OTA Dont Unsubscribe (yes i tested it it works )
- DownLoad Now
- MD5 be675c329e117f3a48d22b81df1128af
v1.0.2 - 8/25/13: OTA update 1.0.2
- Add Odex Script add in op how to use 3 post
- Add In Sense 5 Clock In The Form Of Fancy Wiglet (credit to who made it )
- Add In a nice Sony wallpaper in kingcobra folder
- Install From ROMdBDevTool
v2.0.0 - 9/13/13: Full Rom
- Fixed Mod Pack
- More Fonts
- Animations
- Add Xposed app appsetings
- updated kernel
- Fixed up the folder
- Add Fastboot Flash script to flash the boot only for s-off
- Add Odex Script add in op how to use 3 post
- Add In Sense 5 Clock In The Form Of Fancy Wiglet (credit to who made it )
- Add In a nice Sony wallpaper in kingcobra folder
- Sweep2 Wake Is now off by defalt and double tap to wake
- New KingCobra Walpaper App
- Sony DNLA Working
- Add in Some Sony Apps
- New way to Setup V4A
- Fixed the 24 hr bug
KingCobra One S Build 2.0.0 8/23/13
MD5 22c1bef8a39fd594f52baa3b30317013
KingCobra One S Build 1.0.0 8/23/13
MD5 ea10f6c2336890522dae05f14b72c70e
KingCobra OTAs
OTA update 1.0.1
- Add Xposed Installer In Rom no More Install Your Self Or AOI
- Fixed DPI
- Add In ROMDashboard For OTA Dont Unsubscribe (yes i tested it it works )
- DownLoad Now
- MD5 be675c329e117f3a48d22b81df1128af
OTA update 1.0.2
- Add Odex Script add in op how to use 3 post
- Add In Sense 5 Clock In The Form Of Fancy Wiglet (credit to who made it )
- Add In a nice Sony wallpaper in kingcobra folder
- Install From ROMdBDevTool
Thanks To/Credits:
XxXPachaXxX(KingCobra Lead Kernel Developer)
Ergo Proxy
Most important issue (First priority to fix)
- none
Less important
- Time Is in 24 Hr
- In HEQS Airplane mode may say its on but its not
{Please Read Before Posting Or PM} FAQ:
Q:Rom Is Not Booting And I Am S-ON?
A:Remember To Flash Boot.img.
Q:Why Is The Time in 24 hr ?
A:I Am looking In To it.
Q:Can I Take Rom And Share It On Other Android Site ?
A:Hell No!! We Love XDA And Love To Keep Our Work ON XDA.
Q:How To Enable Sweep To Wake .
A:Go To Any File explore you pleses (es is what i use)>Navagate to system>Etc>Init.d>99bulletproof>do what you want > then reboot
Q:My WiFi is not working correctly?!
A:Flash WiFi Partitions from the developement forum!
Q:My phone stucks on HTC splash screen
A:"fastboot erase cache" in fastboot and flash the boot.img
Q: How Dose This rom Compare to (inscert rom /dev)
A: Plese dont do this all it will start is a very angre dis
Q:Which kernel is best for this ROM?
A:Well i inclued one i think is the best for the htc one S (Based on some history in past devices i dont use any other but flar2 on the Htc One S) but it depends on how you use your phone
Official KingCobra Support:
KingCobra Rom's
15 Hours A Day Live Support Chat!
KingCobra Twitter Handle
Thanks to "Flashalot"