EFS Pro v2.0.26
1. Added a Launcher UI on startup so you can select between EFS Pro and Qualcomm NV Tools. This was implemented for US users who wish to use Qualcomm repair functions but were unable to access it due to EFS Pro crashing on startup.
2. Fixed a few other minor bugs.
Compatibile con Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.
Il nostro device deve essere collegato e con ROOT.
E' necessario aver installato sul proprio PC, Microsoft.NET Framework 4.0
Istruzioni d'uso:
Dovete avere installato Busybox sul vostro Note II LTE
1. Createvi una cartella sul desktop del vostro PC
2. Copiate e scompattate lo zip file del backup efs che avete scaricato
3. Collegate il Note al PC
4. Eseguite il comando adb.exe dentro la cartella adb (contenuta nella cartella del backup efs)
5. Eseguite il comando EFS pro e avrete questo riquadro di comandi:
6. Come da immagine flaggate e premete il tasto backup
7. Alla fine della procedura che dura pochi secondi avrete il backup della EFS sul vostro PC dentro la medesima cartella di backup Efs Pro !!
8. NON ESEGUITE NESSUN TIPO DI RESTORE DELLA EFS (questo solo in caso di rari casi di emergenza)
9. Chiaramente potete eseguire il backup della EFS anche su SD del Note II ed in formato .tar come da opzioni dell'applicazione EFS backup Pro
EFS Pro - For Samsung Android Devices
Advanced Backup and Restore of your Device's '/efs' folder!
Importante: Assicuratevi che il Note II LTE non sia in Mass Storage Mode o le funzioni di Backup and Restore falliranno !!
- Automatic detection and termination of SAMSUNG Kies application on startup.
- Backup and restore partition images to and from compressed archives (*.tar.gz format).
- Detects backup archives automatically on the device and PC for hassle free restoring.
- Device filter support to allow displaying important partitions for various devices.
- Extract and read device's PIT file to ensure efficient and accurate backup and restore operations.
- Check MD5 hash during backup and restore operations to verify integrity of data written.
- Option to Format EFS to wipe all data and recreate partition.
- Qualcomm device support allowing many new features such as backup and restore of the FULL NV Item range.
- Generate IMEI in reversed HEX format for Qualcomm repair operations.
- Read and write IMEI to and from Qualcomm devices and QPST 'QCN Backup' files.
- Read / write / send SPC (Service Programming Code) on Qualcomm devices.
- Read / write Lock Code on Qualcomm devices.
- Read ESN and MEID on Qualcomm devices.
- Automatic detection and switching of USB settings when launching Qualcomm NV Tools.
- Option to display various device, ROM and BusyBox related information at the click of a button.
- Option to restore NV data from internal '*.bak' files if they exist to fix corrupt or incorrect IMEI number.
- Option to repair NV data file ownership to fix 'Unknown baseband' and 'No signal' issues.
- NV Backup and NV Restore options to utilise Samsung's built in 'reboot nvbackup' and 'reboot nvrestore' functions. (Intended for US device variants only).
XDA, Andromeda