Fleksy: una tastiera alternativa che può essere usata anche da un cieco

Syntellia ha annunciato l’arrivo a breve di Fleksy, una nuova tastiera alternativa che rivoluziona il modo di scrivere sullo schermo di un dispositivo mobile, “consentendo di farlo anche ai ciechi”.

Grazie ad una tecnologia messa a punto dalla società statunitense, Fleksy riesce infatti a predire le parole giuste anche se si sbaglia a digitare ogni singola lettera. Al momento non ci sono molti dettagli sul suo funzionamento, ma è possibile già registrarsi a questo indirizzo (è necessario inserire un link ad un proprio profilo presente su un qualsiasi social network, con LinkedIn come preferenza) per richiedere la versione beta. In attesa di vederla dal vivo al CES 2013, che aprirà ufficialmente i battenti nella giornata di domani, vi lasciamo ad un primo video di presentazione:

Revolutionary Fleksy Keyboard Solves the Problem of Typing on Touch Screens, Debuts New Engine and Android Version at CES 2013


Fleksy Technology to be on Display at Eureka Park within The Venetian, as well as at the Innovations Showcase for CES Design and Engineering Awards Honorees


2013 International CES


SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Syntellia, creators of Fleksy, the technology that solves the problem of typing on touchscreens once and for all, will debut the next generation of the prediction engine and introduce Fleksy for Android at CES 2013. Fleksy makes it possible to type accurately without even looking at the screen, and will be on display within the Eureka Park exhibit area. Eureka Park is at The Venetian, Level 3, Lido 3101, Murano 3201-3301, San Polo 3404. Fleksy is booth 74308.


“Typing is still the biggest frustration for customers using smartphones and tablets. The result is that some people won’t buy a touchscreen device, and others won’t use their devices nearly as much as they could. It’s actually the biggest barrier to smartphone and tablet adoption right now”


Syntellia’s Fleksy uses a predictive text technology that makes accurate typing easy on touchscreens, even when you miss every single letter. Fleksy outperforms all current market offerings both in terms of input speed and accuracy – so much so that users can type as fast on touchscreens as they do on laptops.


Syntellia’s patented technology features such a powerful autocorrect engine that visually impaired users have been using it to type as easily as sighted people do on touchscreen devices. At CES, Syntellia will debut of the next generation of Fleksy’s prediction engine, which brings the technology out of the disability market and into the mass market – with user interface innovations and support for multiple languages. CES 2013 will also be the debut of Fleksy on multiple platforms, including Android.


“Typing is still the biggest frustration for customers using smartphones and tablets. The result is that some people won’t buy a touchscreen device, and others won’t use their devices nearly as much as they could. It’s actually the biggest barrier to smartphone and tablet adoption right now,” Kostas Eleftheriou, Syntellia co-founder and CEO, said. “Fleksy solves the problem once and for all. Once you have used a touchscreen device with Fleksy, you won’t remember how you ever got along without it. Just like magic, you have to see it to believe it, so we welcome everyone to visit our booth at CES and see Fleksy in action.”


Fleksy is a CES Innovations 2013 Design and Engineering Awards Honoree, and will also be on display at the Innovations Showcase at the Venetian. This prestigious award is only given to a handful of the most innovative technologies to be launched every year.


Fleksy is launching its beta for Android and Spanish during CES and interested users can register at to download a preview of the technology.