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[DISCUSSIONE UFFICIALE]Dispositivi con chipset "BCM21553"

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  1. #1
    Androidiano VIP L'avatar di Qeemi

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    [DISCUSSIONE UFFICIALE]Dispositivi con chipset "BCM21553"

    Eccoci qui,dato che ci sono 3 telefoni con lo stesso chipset (BCM21553),che hanno gli stessi problemi (GPU strozzata e impossibilità di overclock,tanto per citarne alcuni) ho deciso di aprire questo topic.

    Informazioni generali (Prese dal sito di Broadcom):
    Designed in Broadcom's proven 65 nanometer CMOS process, the '3G phone-on-a-chip' enables manufacturers to build low cost, low power, next generation 3G HSUPA phones with breakthrough features, sleek form factors and very long battery lives. Utilizing an integrated ARM11 processor that is capable of running popular open operating systems (such as Windows Mobile and Android), the BCM21553 HSUPA baseband processor can run innovative new applications and download media files at a much faster speed, resulting in sophisticated and affordable handsets, and a more satisfying smartphone experience.

    The BCM21553 baseband processor enables the next generation of smartphones by supporting 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) release 6 and 7, that provides up to 5.8 Mbps (Megabits per second) of upstream connectivity, 7.2 Mbps of downstream connectivity and supports next generation CS (circuit switches) over HSPA services. It includes Broadcom's PRISM (programmable interference suppression module) technology which mitigates interference from radio signals emanating from neighboring cells to provide higher performance gains in high interference environments where they're needed the most. The BCM21553 also integrates a high performance 3D graphics core with full support for the OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics standard, providing rich 2D and 3D graphics for applications and advanced user interfaces. The powerful graphics core built into the BCM21553 baseband processor is based on Broadcom's advanced multimedia technology, providing video support up to HVGA quality, an 8 megapixel camera, and the ability to encode and decode H.264 video at 30 fps (frames per second).

    Graphics GPU :
    High-Quality display support up to HVGA Full HD Support 1080p.
    8 Megapixel JPEG Camera with mipi serial interface.
    VGA Enc/Dec Up to 30 frames per second H.264, MPEG-4, H.263 & WMV9 Video.
    The Latest Technology From Broadcom VideoCore (TM) 4 Best then NOKIA N8.

    CPU : 60nm ARM11 (not 6) Compatible ARMv6 Based on ARM Cortex A9. OpenGL 2.0 Hardware Acceleration, Integrated App Processor.

    PMU : BCM59035
    HSPA : BCM21553
    2G/3G HS Transceiver : BCM2091

    NFC : BCM20791
    GPS/GLONASS : BCM47511
    Mobile WLAN/BT/FM : BCM4330

    P.S: Astrone,non è che potresti dare un titolo decente a questa discussione,per adesso non me ne viene in mente nessuno,grazie.
    Ultima modifica di Qeemi; 04-11-12 alle 13:54
    Vi scongiuro,non chiedete assistenza per messaggio privato,USATE IL FORUM!!

    Device:Galaxy Ace GT S5830i

  3. #2
    Androidiano VIP L'avatar di astrone

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    Chiedi al mod di questa sezione, io non ho poteri qui..

    buona discussione

    11° Discepolo, SuperSuita a vita

  4. #3
    Androidiani Power User L'avatar di d128b

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    mandatemi un pm quando avrete deciso il titolo... magari era meglio deciderlo prima
    Xperia Z 1 compact @ stock
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    che ha riportato in vita il mio nexus S quando tutto sembrava perduto)

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