Rilasciata la versione 2.8.1
( di AnTuTu)
Play Store - AnTuTu Benchmark
-Display camera information in system info page ( requires camera permission )
-Redesigned home page, show user ratings and comments for your device
Rilasciata la versione 2.8.1
( di AnTuTu)
Play Store - AnTuTu Benchmark
-Display camera information in system info page ( requires camera permission )
-Redesigned home page, show user ratings and comments for your device
Galaxy Note 8 SM-N950F DS > 3 con Super3 e CeVGuA + Gente di 3 OA + Naviga 3 Costo0
Cubot Power > Iliad con minuti ed SMS illimitati + 30 GB € 5,99
Rilasciata la versione 2.8.2
( di AnTuTu)
Play Store - AnTuTu Benchmark
-Fixed some crash bug
Galaxy Note 8 SM-N950F DS > 3 con Super3 e CeVGuA + Gente di 3 OA + Naviga 3 Costo0
Cubot Power > Iliad con minuti ed SMS illimitati + 30 GB € 5,99
Rilasciata la versione 2.8.3
( di AnTuTu)
Play Store - AnTuTu Benchmark
-Fixed some times press back can not exit bug
Galaxy Note 8 SM-N950F DS > 3 con Super3 e CeVGuA + Gente di 3 OA + Naviga 3 Costo0
Cubot Power > Iliad con minuti ed SMS illimitati + 30 GB € 5,99
Rilasciata la versione 2.9
( di AnTuTu )
Play Store - AnTuTu Benchmark
- Add a link for our new OpenGL ES 2.0 3D benchmark app
- Add verify socres by network time, avoid cheating by reduce local clock speed
- Fixed app may be crash when exit bug
- Fixed can not back to previous page in comments tab
- Fixed data not load immediately after restore form SD Card
Galaxy Note 8 SM-N950F DS > 3 con Super3 e CeVGuA + Gente di 3 OA + Naviga 3 Costo0
Cubot Power > Iliad con minuti ed SMS illimitati + 30 GB € 5,99
Rilasciata la versione 2.9.1
( di AnTuTu )
Play Store - AnTuTu Benchmark
- Compatibility wiht Nexus 7 and other no camera device
- Fixed a potential memory crach on benchmarking
- Fixed CPU count could be less than the real total
- Fixed CPU frequency detection problems on Jelly Bean ( Android 4.1 )
- Fixed CPU scores drop on Jelly Bean ( Android 4.1 ), it is cause by the higher UI priority
Ultima modifica di xantium; 16-08-12 alle 12:38
Galaxy Note 8 SM-N950F DS > 3 con Super3 e CeVGuA + Gente di 3 OA + Naviga 3 Costo0
Cubot Power > Iliad con minuti ed SMS illimitati + 30 GB € 5,99
Rilasciata la versione 2.9.2
( di AnTuTu )
Play Store - AnTuTu Benchmark
- Fixed crash on Jelly Bean(Android 4.1) with Mail-400 GPU
Galaxy Note 8 SM-N950F DS > 3 con Super3 e CeVGuA + Gente di 3 OA + Naviga 3 Costo0
Cubot Power > Iliad con minuti ed SMS illimitati + 30 GB € 5,99
Rilasciata la versione 2.9.3
( di AnTuTu )
Play Store - AnTuTu Benchmark
- Do not open webpage when network not connected
- Fixed crash when open a web page in app
- Fixed recommend page
- Fixed some potential crash
- Update Russian translation
Galaxy Note 8 SM-N950F DS > 3 con Super3 e CeVGuA + Gente di 3 OA + Naviga 3 Costo0
Cubot Power > Iliad con minuti ed SMS illimitati + 30 GB € 5,99
Rilasciata la versione 2.9.4
( di AnTuTu )
Play Store - AnTuTu Benchmark
- Fixed x86 device can not get the full performance bug
- Fixed x86 device not have CPU info bug
Galaxy Note 8 SM-N950F DS > 3 con Super3 e CeVGuA + Gente di 3 OA + Naviga 3 Costo0
Cubot Power > Iliad con minuti ed SMS illimitati + 30 GB € 5,99
Rilasciata la versione 3.0.1
( di AnTuTu )
Play Store - AnTuTu Benchmark
- Add compare page to compare scores with hot devices
- Auto stop the benchmark if detected the app has been modified
- Enhance SDCard path detection- Fixed some web page auto pop up bug
- Fixed sometimes get stuck in splash screen- Fixed submit score page appear twice after benchmark
- Fully new 2D benchmark for 2D game performance test
- New OpenGL ES 2.0 3D benchmark for 3D game performance test
- Redesigned and adjustment app UI- Update Italian and Ukraine translate
Ultima modifica di xantium; 11-08-13 alle 12:55
Rilasciata la versione 3.4
( di AnTuTu )
Play Store - AnTuTu Benchmark
- Support OpenGL ES 3.0
Galaxy Note 8 SM-N950F DS > 3 con Super3 e CeVGuA + Gente di 3 OA + Naviga 3 Costo0
Cubot Power > Iliad con minuti ed SMS illimitati + 30 GB € 5,99