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Help needed to translate an android app

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  1. #1
    Baby Droid

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    Help needed to translate an android app

    Hello all,

    I am sorry not to speak Italian here and I apologize for that. I am a French programmer, living in Canada and I also speak Spanish, but not Italian.

    I write to you as I would like some help to translate into Italian an application I wrote.

    My name is Stephane NICOLAS. I am the author of Cinemadroid, an application that allows people to quickly search for movie showtimes at local movie theaters. Currently my application works in almost 15 countries and knows some success (around 10 000 downloads in android market in 4-5 months) in the US and some european countries like France, Spain...

    I recently added Italy to the list of countries covered by the app and I would like some help to make it known, and appreciated by Italian users.

    I would like to translate a few things, and I propose an evaluation of the time required to translate it. If you are interested in giving me a hand, it would be tremendously appreciated :

    - the strings.xml file (1.5 hour)
    - the short and long description on the market (1h)
    - some advertizing text for forums (30 min)

    Up to now, the app generates very few incomes only. A mere 40 $ in ads, and around 30 $ in paid licences. So I can't really afford to pay people but I would be glad to give you some credits in the help page of the app. After 2 000 hours on this program, I can't say I have much more.. :S

    Cinemadroid is really super fast.
    - It downloads all schedules for a given city,
    - It has 4 servers to generate showtimes, so it's always up and running
    - It has a simple yet effective UI to select movies, theaters,
    - It features maps and widgets
    - It can be used offline
    - You can long click on items to get details like reviews for movies, addresses or web page for cinemas, etc...
    - and I am besta testing a system of Quality Insurance for the results, based on some Artificial Intelligence to test validity of data returned to your android.

    You can find Cinemadroid here to test it :

    Thanks in advance,
    Immagini allegate

  3. #2
    Androidiano VIP L'avatar di PaoloLast

    Registrato dal
    Jul 2009

    Ringraziato 104 volte in 100 Posts

    Trying your app right now!
    I can evaluate if i can help you in translation.
    <-<Samsung Galaxy Nexus GT-I9250>->
    <-<Motorola Atrix 4G MB860 AT&T>->
    <-<Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100>->
    <-<Logitech Revue with Google TV>->
    <-<Creative ZiiO 7>->
    <-<LG Optimus 3D P920>->
    <-<Motorola Milestone A853>->
    EX<-<Huawei Ideos U8150>->
    EX<-<Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000>->
    EX<-<Motorola BackFlip MB300>->
    EX<-<HTC Magic 32A - White>->

  4. #3
    Baby Droid

    Registrato dal
    Aug 2011

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    Let me know if you are interested.

    I apologize again for not speaking the language of this forum.
    I hope it doesn't bother too much people here.


  5. #4
    Androidiano VIP L'avatar di PaoloLast

    Registrato dal
    Jul 2009

    Ringraziato 104 volte in 100 Posts

    No problem! is good to see that our forum is one of the most important in italy

    If u don't have a really close deadline for the translation, i'm in!
    I'm sending u a PM with my email.
    <-<Samsung Galaxy Nexus GT-I9250>->
    <-<Motorola Atrix 4G MB860 AT&T>->
    <-<Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100>->
    <-<Logitech Revue with Google TV>->
    <-<Creative ZiiO 7>->
    <-<LG Optimus 3D P920>->
    <-<Motorola Milestone A853>->
    EX<-<Huawei Ideos U8150>->
    EX<-<Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000>->
    EX<-<Motorola BackFlip MB300>->
    EX<-<HTC Magic 32A - White>->

  6. Il seguente Utente ha ringraziato PaoloLast per il post:

    snicolas (09-08-11)

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