notando che la sezione sembra molto vuota riguardo a questo terminale,ho cercato un po' di cose al riguardo,
premetto che non sono un possessore del p6 ne tantomeno l'ho mai visto dal vivo(infatti possiedo un p1),ho trovato questa guida per l'installazione della recovery CWM su XDA,tutti i crediti vanno a loro(ho fatto solo copia e incolla)
[RECOVERY] ClockworkMod Touch Recovery BL v6.0.3.6 English Version [16/09/2013]
ClockworkMod Version: v6.0.3.6
Finally we'd like to introduce a working English version of ClockworkMod Touch Recovery for the Ascend P6... You heard that correct, no more wearing out those precious HW buttons, and more importantly navigation just became much more easier.
Installation Instructions
1. Install provided TouchRecoveryInstaller-vX_X.apk
2. Launch "Recovery Installer" from your homescreen.
3. Select "Install Recovery" and grant ROOT access on prompt.
4. Finally select "Reboot into Recovery" to launch CWM.
[Please note when installing zip files you'll need to select "choose zip from external sdcard" within the "Install zip" sub menu]
Installation Instructions
1. Ensure you have Recovery Installer (above) installed beforehand.
2. Copy to the root of your external sdcard
3. Load the Recovery Installer and select "Reboot into Recovery" option 2.
4. Once CWM Touch has loaded install via external sd card.
Reboot your device, to get into CWM Touch Recovery Hold Volume Down when device LED flashes red.