1. Download modified TWRP recovery here: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=24572330218882108 (Credits @grarak)
2. Download and install 15sec ADB Installer as Administrator.
3. Boot into Fastboot mode
4.Connect your OP2 to your PC
5. Open command prompt in the folder where the recovery file is
6. Type "fastboot devices". If you get a line of numbers and letters, you're good to go.
7. Type "fastboot flash recovery "recovery.img"
8.Type "fastboot boot recovery.img" or reboot to recovery the usual way (Power + Volume down)
9. Flash OOS 3.0 once more
Guida estratta dal forum ufficiale.
in molti hanno problemi con la suoneria, Prova un hard reset e se non funziona lo stesso aspetta l'aggiornamento correttivo