Finalmente la prima leedroid per il nostro one s...
Per quando riguarda l installazione occorre:
Requirement's (requisiti)
An unlocked bootloader
The latest official CWM Touch recovery & root access from >> HERE <<
1. Download the rom, check the MD5# & drop it in the root of your SD
2. Boot to recovery
3. Nandroid backup
4. Boot to bootloader (hold vol down & power)
5. Ensure your device displays "fastboot usb"
6. Grab my boot.img flasher from HERE MD5# 6df88804cc68fc565e279a0fe02c7c37
7. Extract the zip anywhere on your PC & run the script relating to your OS (windows, linux or mac)
8. press the power button once, click vol down, highlight recovery & press power (This will take you to recovery)
9. Flash the downloaded ROM zip
10. Reboot
11. Enjoy your Ice Cream Sandwich
Change Log
LeeDrOiD One Supreme V1.0.0 - Initial release
Based on HTC Europe 1.78.401.1 (RUU + OTA)
Deodexed, Recompressed & Zipaligned
Insecure boot.img
Rooted with the latest SuperSU from Chain fire
Init.d busybox run parts support
All applications Zipaligned at boot
Permissions fixed at boot
Optimized /system /data & /Cache EXT4 mounts
Database vacum at boot (faster app loading times)
App caches cleaned at boot
Several kernel tweaks
LeeDrOid SuperDrOiD Wallpapers
LeeDrOiD SuperDroid Bootanimation & audo (By me!)
Custom extended locales/languages list
Heavily cleaned system
Enabled Simple chinese IME
HTC Speak/VoiceSearch hacked to allow direct access
Stock included bloat removed (ShoME, TuneIn, SoundHorn)
HTC Logging & feedback apps/binaries removed
Disabled fast dormacy (Should save power & most nets do not support it)
All pre-installed applications updated
Uses Aroma installer (Thanks to Amarilluz) with the following options
* Restore stock bootanimation
* Enhanced AGPS config from Crypted
* Enable fast dormacy
* Remove HTC Stocks
* Remove HTC Watch
* Remove Flickr
* Disable Boot sound
* Remove HTC Sense (Uses Nova Launcher)
* Remove Facebook
* Remove Gmail
* Remove Twitter
* Remove Books
* Remove Jetcet Print
Added Advanced Power Menu
Removed ICS 3 dot menu
Recent apps mapped to long press home (Changable in tweaks)
Enabled 15 tabs in browser
Menu mapped to recent apps button
Adjusted autobrightness levels
Disabled scrolling caches
Transparent status bar pull down
Super extedned quick settings (tap the carrier lable) (Huge thanks to J4n87! - the creator)
Disabled package signature checking
Enabled landscape support in Rosie
Enabled unlock animation in Rosie
Added Stock % Battery
Lots of default setting changes
Added LeeDrOiD Tweaks V1.2 (Huge thanks to J4n87! - the creator)
And lots lots more - Far too much to list
In pratica prima bisogna flashiare il boot mettendo il telefono in fastboot e subito dopo entrare in recovery ed installare la rom dopo aver fatto i soliti wipe...
Link boot
link rom Index of /OneS-ROMS/
link thread xda