solidsnake87 (23-05-13)
Salve a tutti
Vorrei sapere se con il dori 9.20 su rootbox,posso mettere una seconda rom in dual boot..
Leggendo qualche post indietro, so che non posso mettere in dual boot una rom su base samsung..
Grazie per le eventuali risposte
Inviato dal futuro...
andrew89sr (24-05-13)
New Kernels 8.21 and 9.21 are ONLINE!
I have found some errors in both builds and fixed them.
Also we now have the latest WIFI driver from SG4 device source tree
Modded by CodeWorks and Me 
Wifi ver: 1.61.47 (massive update)
we had : 1.28.19
Need to test is HARD... (it's works good for me)
Change Log:
*Pulled updates to main kernel code from 3.10.y kernel.
*Pulled new WIFI driver from SG4 Source + my mods to save power.
*Alucard tuned/fixed/added updates to Nightmare Gov.
*I have removed Interactive CPU GOV from system, it's was unstable.
*I have added code fix to all active CPU govs, that improve stability and performance
*I have removed some old hacks to allow new code to work as should.
*I have cleaned logs from debug alerts, (need more work on some more cleaning)
*Upgraded LINARO to 13.4 GCC 4.7.3 kernel builder.
*Merged lost Sammy functions to video drivers and UMP from SAMMY kernel and from older code from backups.
Video working great and Smooth! even little more FPS on heavy load.
*Tuned Kernel flags optimization, removed dangerous mods. better safe than stuck! (and little less score on bench apps) but you will not see the difference.
*I have found not matching code in 8.XX branch, that exist in 9.XX branch,
seems i missed update, i have merged all that needed, this should restore stability.
OK, time to TEST and report good/bad news.
Thanks for waiting and supporting us. 
have fun!
Lo scrivo anche qui e scusate per lo spam
Il momento è arrivato, oggi pomeriggio sono andato a prendere l'S3, e tra venerdì e sabato venderò il mio S2, volevo ringraziare immensamente questa grande sezione, non scrivo tutti i nomi perchè dimenticherei qualcuno, ma ragazzi è stato un piacere stare con voi! Sempre disponibili, gentili e simpatici, una seconda casa ...
Grazie di tutto! Ci si vede!
michael91 (24-05-13)
Followotto (24-05-13)
Aspettando il regalino da parte di Alucard![]()