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aiuto per inglese

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  1. #1
    Baby Droid L'avatar di DavideHu

    Registrato dal
    May 2012
    Milano, MI
    Samsung Galaxy S2

    Ringraziato 1 volta in 1 Post

    aiuto per inglese

    Ciao, quest'anno ho l'esame di terza media e chiedevo se potete aiutarmi a correggere la tesina di inglese visto che non sono bravo.

    Hong Kong
    Hong Kong is a special administrative regions of the People’s Republic China.

    Territory & Climate
    Hong Kong is located on China’s south coast, borders the People’s Republic of China and the South China Sea
    The territory is mostly hilly.
    The climate of Hong Kong climate is sub-tropical.

    The history of Hong Kong is linked to the history of the Republic of China and the history of Britain because on 20 January 1841, Hong Kong became British.
    On 1 July 1997 return Chinese and became the first special administrative region.

    The Population
    The Hong Kong’s Population is 7.055.071 and have a density of 6.480/km2, it’s one of the highest density in the world after Principality of Monaco, Macao and Singapore.
    About 95% of the people which live in Hong Kong are of Chinese descent, the remaining 5% of the population is composed of non-ethnic Chinese.

    Language & Currency
    The Hong Kong’s official languages are Cantonese, English and traditional English.
    The currency that is used the Hong Kong Dollar.

  3. #2
    Androidiani Power User L'avatar di androgiallo

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    ecco cosa correggerei io:

    Hong Kong
    Hong Kong is a special administrative region (la "s" va tolta, è al singolare) of the People’s Republic of China.

    Territory & Climate
    Hong Kong is located on China’s south coast, borders the People’s Republic of China and the South China Sea
    The territory is mostly hilly.
    The climate of Hong Kong climate is sub-tropical. (io cambierei la struttura della frase: Hong Kong's climate is sub-tropical)

    The history of Hong Kong is linked to the history of the Republic of China and the one (in questo modo si evita la ripetizione di "history") of Britain, because on 20 January 1841, Hong Kong became a colony British. (controlla qui per vedere cosa realmente intendi)
    On 1 July 1997, Hong Kong (non dimenticare il soggetto) became Chinese again and it was the first special administrative region.

    The Population
    The Hong Kong’s Population is about 7.055.071 and has a density of 6.480 people/km2; it’s one of the highest density in the world after Principality of Monaco, Macao and Singapore.
    Nearly the 95% of the people who live in Hong Kong are of Chinese descent, the remaining 5% of the population is composed of non-ethnic Chinese.

    Language & Currency
    The Hong Kong’s official languages are Cantonese, English and traditional English. (cosa vogliono dire questi "due inglesi"??)
    The currency used is the Hong Kong Dollar.

  4. Il seguente Utente ha ringraziato androgiallo per il post:

    DavideHu (20-05-12)

  5. #3
    Baby Droid L'avatar di DavideHu

    Registrato dal
    May 2012
    Milano, MI
    Samsung Galaxy S2

    Ringraziato 1 volta in 1 Post


    Hong Kong
    Hong Kong is a special administrative region of the People’s Republic China.

    Territory & Climate
    Hong Kong is located on China’s south coast, borders the People’s Republic of China and the South China Sea
    The territory is mostly hilly.
    Hong Kong’s climate is sub-tropical.

    The history of Hong Kong is linked to the history of the Republic of China and the one of Britain.
    On 20 January 1841, Hong Kong became British because China lose the Opium War.
    On 1 July 1997, Hong Kong return Chinese and became the first special administrative region.

    The Population
    The Hong Kong’s Population is about 7.055.071 and has a density of 6.480/km2, it’s one of the highest density in the world after Principality of Monaco, Macao and Singapore.
    Nearly the 95% of the people which live in Hong Kong are of Chinese descent, the remaining 5% of the population is composed of non-ethnic Chinese.

    Language & Currency
    The Hong Kong’s official languages are Cantonese, English and traditional Chinese.
    The currency that used is the Hong Kong Dollar.

  6. #4
    Androidiani Power User L'avatar di d128b

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    Frasi brevi e semplici; soggetto, predicato e complemento...
    The Hong Kong’s Population is about 7.055.071 and has a density of 6.480/km2, it’s one of the highest density in the world after Principality of Monaco, Macao and Singapore.
    Nearly the 95% of the people which live in Hong Kong are of Chinese descent, the remaining 5% of the population is composed of non-ethnic Chinese.
    Troppo lunghette queste... la prima metterei un bel punto dopo la densità; la seconda la accorcerei proprio...
    Xperia Z 1 compact @ stock
    Flash! - un amaro racconto di vita

    che ha riportato in vita il mio nexus S quando tutto sembrava perduto)

  7. #5
    Baby Droid L'avatar di epinephrine

    Registrato dal
    May 2012

    Ringraziato 0 volte in 0 Posts

    Hong Kong
    Hong Kong is a special administrative region of the People’s Republic of China.
    ( 'of' è una parte integrante del nome, dimenticarlo potrebbe darti delle penalità )

    Territory & Climate
    Hong Kong is located on China’s south coast, borders the People’s Republic of China and the South China Sea.
    Hong Kong’s climate is sub-tropical and its territory is mostly hilly.
    ( cambiando il costrutto della frase è più lineare e meno pesante )

    The history of Hong Kong is strictly connected to Republic of China's and Britain's past.
    (anche qui era da cambiare il costrutto della frase, non complicarti la vita con forme complesse e ripetitive, l'inglese è molto più diretto!)
    On 20 January 1841, Hong Kong became a British colony after China lost the First Opium War.
    On 1 July 1997, Hong Kong returned Chinese again and became the first special administrative region.
    ( stai attento ai tempi verbali: nella stessa frase salti dal passato remoto al tempo presente! )

    The Population
    Hong Kong's Population is about 7.055.071 and has a density of 6.480/km2. It’s one of the highest density in the world after Principality of Monaco, Macao and Singapore.
    ( quando usi il genitivo sassone - 's - l'articolo determinativo 'the' è di troppo )
    Nearly the 95% of the people who live in Hong Kong are of Chinese descent, the remaining 5% of the population is composed of non-ethnic Chinese.
    ( which indica 'un qualcuno o qualcosa' in particolare; esempio: which books? - quali libri? )

    Language & Currency
    Hong Kong’s official languages are Cantonese, English and traditional Chinese.
    Its national currency is the Hong Kong Dollar.
    ( anche qui, semplifica la frase, risulta più scorrevole e meno 'tradotta letteralmente' )

    un piccolo appunto: secondo me la parte relativa alla storia è proprio un po' da riscrivere in toto, è molto 'gironzolata' e in alcuni punti i concetti non sono chiari. spero di esserti stata comunque utile!

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