One-package-fits-all: just replace the ramhack with what you want and the right version (ICS or GB) will be installed
i.e. ironkrnL64_date -> ironkrnL80_date
New flags: rld, beats, check, su
Linux updated to
fixed a couple minor install script issues
should be CWM touch compatible
correctly renamed LG camera
improved RAM behaviour
mass storage (besides MTP) should work on ICS for the SDcard
included Reloaded ICS app, credits to rob43 Reloaded ICS v1.9b2 04/01/12 | UI Enhancements for CyanogenMod 9 | Update: theming - General Themes / Extras - RootzWiki (donate to him! )
If you have battery issues it's not directly the kernel's fault. An application is running in the background, possibly because of corrupted data. Run a file system check, eventually try to isolate the running application and delete its data.
fsck might render unaccessible previously corrupted files and prevent boot. In this case, reflash CM9. If some app's data was heavily corrupted, a reset might be necessary.
OTF is a pointless gimmick, it gives no real advantages and potentially causes performance degradation
align : enable zipalign at boot (GB only)
anim : disable boot animation
app : install additional apps (GB only)
basic : remove even the most basic tweaks
beats : install beats by dre equalization
cam : install lg camera
check : run a file system check after flashing
cron : disable cron job for automatic cache dropping
debug : enable kernel installation debugging
font : disable installing roboto font (GB only)
host : disable install host file
jrnl : enable ext4 journal removal and 'risky' mount options
log : enable log removal
nitz : enable nitz timezone fix (removed if missing)
prio : install priority-modded services.jar on ICS (SK3 only)
prop : disable build.prop tweaks
rld : enable installing ReloadedICS
sql : disable tweaked sqlite
su : install updated SU binary that prevents segmentation faults
uv : enable slight undervolt
Galaxy S4 - 5.0.1 LolliMod & G3 32Gb MM stock
vodonka ha aggiornato il suo kernel alla versione 3.0!
e dice che con i driver lite si ha un ottima durata della batteria!
Ultima modifica di lucastraz; 05-04-12 alle 16:04
sto riflashando l'etana che sembrerebbe aver risolto il problema...e comunque con il kernel che hai postato tu non dovrebbero esserci differenze apparte l otf e alcune chicche di vodonka!
ancora bootlop!
ora mi sono stufato e provo l' imperticus
Ps. l'imperticus parte senza problemi senza bisogno dei full wipe....ora fase test!
Ultima modifica di lucastraz; 05-04-12 alle 18:19
guardate questa discussione nuova base??
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