Samsung porta il proprio browser sul Google Play Store

10 Settembre 201528 commenti

Come fatto durante gli scorsi mesi da altri produttori, prevalentemente da HTC, anche Samsung ha iniziato a portare sul Google Play Store alcuni pezzi della propria personalizzazione software per facilitarne gli aggiornamenti. La prima applicazione è il browser, disponibile anche in Italia.

Il browser di Samsung sul Play Store è stato battezzato “Internet for Samsung Galaxy” e ovviamente offre alcune funzioni non disponibili su altri browser alternativi.

Sicuramente questa scelta faciliterà il lavoro degli sviluppatori e renderà il browser migliore grazie ad update continui che non necessitano di un aggiornamento del firmware da dover distribuire via OTA.

Ecco le principali features:

  • Quick Access – As one of the default homepages for Samsung Browser, the Quick Access page enables you to visit your favorite sites with a single click. The default listed sites are selected based on countries, carriers, etc to provide you with a more intimate experience.
  • Secure Web Auto Login – Samsung Browser is the sole browser that offers login using fingerprint authentication. On devices equipped with fingerprint scanners, Samsung Browser provides a simpler but more secure way for you to login to sites.
  • Shortcut Promotion Banner – “Add shortcut to home screen” lets you launch and explore web pages as if they were native applications. In addition, Samsung Browser recommends shortcut installation for sites that you frequently visit via notification banners.
  • KNOX Support – Samsung Browser is the only browser working in KNOX workspace. KNOX is the enhanced mobile security suite provided by Samsung for your business and personal life. Samsung Browser for KNOX incorporates organizational security policies to provide control for web access.
  • Ultra Power Saving Mode – Samsung Galaxy devices provide an ultra power saving mode and emergency mode for prolonged battery life. Battery power is saved by applying a simplified grayscale theme and limiting the number of usable apps. Samsung Browser is the only web browser that can be used in these modes.
  • Data Saving Mode – We offer a low data usage mode for users that need to save cellular data or have to browse the web while connected to a slow wifi network. (This feature is only available in certain regions.)
  • Open Tabs & Bookmark Sync – You can sync Open Tabs and Bookmarks with other devices through Samsung or Firefox accounts. When using Samsung accounts, Saved Pages will also be synced.
  • Reader Mode & Saved Pages – Tired of reading cluttered articles? Reader Mode presents articles in a simple layout to make it easier to read. Saved Pages stores web pages on your device so you can check them at your convenience, even when your device is offline.
  • Easy Clipping with S Pen – On Galaxy Note devices, simple draw a shape around an area with the S Pen to scrap or share web contents.


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