Android 3.2 SDK disponibile al download

16 Luglio 2011Nessun commento

Google ha finalmente reso ufficiale la nuova versione 3.2 di Honeycomb, rilasciando l'SDK e, come al solito, tutte le guide e le informazioni riguardo le novità apportate sul sito Android Developers. Tra le novità di questa build troviamo: "ottimizzazioni per una più ampia gamma di tablet", "zoom per le applicazioni a dimensione fissa", "media sync dalla SD" e un "esteso supporto API per lo schermo".

New user features

Optimizations for a wider range of tablets

Android 3.2 includes a variety of optimizations across the system to ensure a great user experience on a wider range of tablet devices.

Compatibility zoom for fixed-sized apps

Android 3.2 introduces a new compatibility zoom mode that gives users a new way to view fixed-sized apps on larger devices. The new mode provides a pixel-scaled alternative to the standard UI stretching for apps that are not designed to run on larger screen sizes, such as on tablets. The new mode is accessible to users from a menu icon in the system bar, for apps that need compatibility support.

Media sync from SD card

On devices that support an SD card, users can now load media files directly from the SD card to apps that use them. A system facility makes the files accessible to apps from the system media store.


New developer features

Extended API for managing screens support

Android 3.2 introduces extensions to the platform’s screen support API to give developers additional ways to manage application UI across the range of Android-powered devices. The API includes new resource qualifiers and new manifest attributes that give you more precise control over how your apps are displayed on different sizes, rather than relying on generalized size categories.

Maggiori informazioni su tutte le novità e i cambiamenti apportati al seguente indirizzo: Android 3.2.

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